==== LinkedIn There are a number of steps you have to complete to be able to login to LinkedIn. First, go to the `Identity Providers` left menu item and select `LinkedIn` from the `Add provider` drop down list. This will bring you to the `Add identity provider` page. .Add Identity Provider image:{project_images}/linked-in-add-identity-provider.png[] You can't click save yet, as you'll need to obtain a `Client ID` and `Client Secret` from LinkedIn. One piece of data you'll need from this page is the `Redirect URI`. You'll have to provide that to LinkedIn when you register {project_name} as a client there, so copy this URI to your clipboard. To enable login with LinkedIn you first have to create an application in https://www.linkedin.com/secure/developer[LinkedIn Developer Network]. NOTE: LinkedIn may change the look and feel of application registration, so these directions may not always be up to date. .Developer Network image:images/linked-in-developer-network.png[] Click on the `Create Application` button. This will bring you to the `Create a New Application` Page. .Create App image:images/linked-in-create-app.png[] Fill in the form with the approriate values, then click the `Submit` button. This will bring you to the new application's settings page. .App Settings image:images/linked-in-app-settings.png[] Select `r_basicprofile` and `r_emailaddress` in the `Default Application Permissions` section. You'll have to copy the `Redirect URI` from the {project_name} `Add Identity Provider` page and enter it into the `OAuth 2.0` `Authorized Redirect URLs` field on the LinkedIn app settings page. Don't forget to click the `Update` button after you do this! You will then need to obtain the client ID and secret from this page so you can enter them into the {project_name} `Add identity provider` page. Go back to {project_name} and specify those items.