Test Cross-Data-Center scenario (test with external JDG server) =============================================================== These are temporary notes. This docs should be removed once we have cross-DC support finished and properly documented. These steps are already automated for embedded Undertow, see Cross-DC tests section in [HOW-TO-RUN.md](../testsuite/integration-arquillian/HOW-TO-RUN.md) document. For Wildfly they are not yet automated. Following instructions are related to Wildfly server. What is working right now is: - Propagating of invalidation messages for `realms`, `users` and `authorization` caches - sessions, offline sessions and login failures are propagated between datacenters Basic setup =========== This is the example setup simulating 2 datacenters `site1` and `site2` . Each datacenter consists of 1 infinispan server and 2 Keycloak servers. So 2 infinispan servers and 4 Keycloak servers are totally in the testing setup. * Site1 consists of infinispan server `jdg1` and 2 Keycloak servers `node11` and `node12` . * Site2 consists of infinispan server `jdg2` and 2 Keycloak servers `node21` and `node22` . * Infinispan servers `jdg1` and `jdg2` forms cluster with each other. The communication between them is the only communication between the 2 datacenters. * Keycloak servers `node11` and `node12` forms cluster with each other, but they don't communicate with any server in `site2` . They communicate with infinispan server `jdg1` through the HotRod protocol (Remote cache). * Same applies for `node21` and `node22` . They have cluster with each other and communicate just with `jdg2` server through the HotRod protocol. TODO: Picture on blog * For example when some object (realm, client, role, user, ...) is updated on `node11`, the `node11` will send invalidation message. It does it by saving special cache entry to the remote cache `work` on `jdg1` . The `jdg1` notifies client listeners in same DC (hence on `node12`) and propagate the message to it. But `jdg1` is in replicated cache with `jdg2` . So the entry is saved on `jdg2` too and `jdg2` will notify client listeners on nodes `node21` and `node22`. All the nodes know that they should invalidate the updated object from their caches. The caches with the actual data (`realms`, `users` and `authorization`) are infinispan local caches. TODO: Picture and better explanation? * For example when some userSession is created/updated/removed on `node11` it is saved in cluster on current DC, so the `node12` can see it. But it's saved also to remote cache on `jdg1` server. The userSession is then automatically seen on `jdg2` server because there is replicated cache `sessions` between `jdg1` and `jdg2` . Server `jdg2` then notifies nodes `node21` and `node22` through the client listeners (Feature of Remote Cache and HotRod protocol. See infinispan docs for details). The node, who is owner of the userSession (either `node21` or `node22`) will update userSession in the cluster on `site2` . Hence any user requests coming to Keycloak nodes on `site2` will see latest updates. TODO: Picture and better explanation? Example setup assumes all 6 servers are bootstrapped on localhost, but each on different ports. Infinispan Server setup ----------------------- 1) Download Infinispan 8.2.6 server and unzip to some folder 2) Add this into `JDG1_HOME/standalone/configuration/clustered.xml` under cache-container named `clustered` : ```xml ... ``` 3) Copy the server into the second location referred later as `JDG2_HOME` 4) Start server `jdg1`: ``` cd JDG1_HOME/bin ./standalone.sh -c clustered.xml -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true \ -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=1010 -Djboss.default.multicast.address= \ -Djboss.node.name=jdg1 ``` 5) Start server `jdg2`: ``` cd JDG2_HOME/bin ./standalone.sh -c clustered.xml -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true \ -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=2010 -Djboss.default.multicast.address= \ -Djboss.node.name=jdg2 ``` 6) There should be message in the log that nodes are in cluster with each other: ``` Received new cluster view for channel clustered: [jdg1|1] (2) [jdg1, jdg2] ``` Keycloak servers setup ---------------------- 1) Download Keycloak 3.3.0.CR1 and unzip to some location referred later as `NODE11` 2) Configure shared database for KeycloakDS datasource. Recommended to use MySQL, MariaDB or PostgreSQL. See Keycloak docs for more details 3) Edit `NODE11/standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml` : 3.1) Add attribute `site` to the JGroups UDP protocol: ```xml ``` 3.2) Add output-socket-binding for `remote-cache` under `socket-binding-group` element: ```xml ... ``` 3.3) Add this `module` attribute under `cache-container` element of name `keycloak` : ```xml ``` 3.4) Add the `remote-store` under `work` cache: ```xml true org.keycloak.cluster.infinispan.KeycloakHotRodMarshallerFactory ``` 3.5) Add the `store` like this under `sessions` cache: ```xml sessions work ``` 3.6) Same for `offlineSessions` and `loginFailures` caches: ```xml offlineSessions work loginFailures work ``` 3.7) The configuration of distributed cache `authenticationSessions` and other caches is left unchanged. 3.8) Optionally enable DEBUG logging under `logging` subsystem: ```xml ``` 4) Copy the `NODE11` to 3 other directories referred later as `NODE12`, `NODE21` and `NODE22`. 5) Start `NODE11` : ``` cd NODE11/bin ./standalone.sh -c standalone-ha.xml -Djboss.node.name=node11 -Djboss.site.name=site1 \ -Djboss.default.multicast.address= -Dremote.cache.port=12232 -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true \ -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=3000 ``` 6) Start `NODE12` : ```` cd NODE12/bin ./standalone.sh -c standalone-ha.xml -Djboss.node.name=node12 -Djboss.site.name=site1 \ -Djboss.default.multicast.address= -Dremote.cache.port=12232 -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true \ -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=4000 ```` The cluster nodes should be connected. This should be in the log of both NODE11 and NODE12: ``` Received new cluster view for channel hibernate: [node11|1] (2) [node11, node12] ``` 7) Start `NODE21` : ``` cd NODE21/bin ./standalone.sh -c standalone-ha.xml -Djboss.node.name=node21 -Djboss.site.name=site2 \ -Djboss.default.multicast.address= -Dremote.cache.port=13232 -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true \ -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=5000 ``` It shouldn't be connected to the cluster with `NODE11` and `NODE12`, but to separate one: ``` Received new cluster view for channel hibernate: [node21|0] (1) [node21] ``` 8) Start `NODE22` : ``` cd NODE22/bin ./standalone.sh -c standalone-ha.xml -Djboss.node.name=node22 -Djboss.site.name=site2 \ -Djboss.default.multicast.address= -Dremote.cache.port=13232 -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true \ -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=6000 ``` It should be in cluster with `NODE21` : ``` Received new cluster view for channel server: [node21|1] (2) [node21, node22] ``` 9) Test: 9.1) Go to `http://localhost:11080/auth/` and create initial admin user 9.2) Go to `http://localhost:11080/auth/admin` and login as admin to admin console 9.3) Open 2nd browser and go to any of nodes `http://localhost:12080/auth/admin` or `http://localhost:13080/auth/admin` or `http://localhost:14080/auth/admin` . After login, you should be able to see the same sessions in tab `Sessions` of particular user, client or realm on all 4 servers 9.4) After doing any change (eg. update some user), the update should be immediatelly visible on any of 4 nodes as caches should be properly invalidated everywhere. 9.5) Check server.logs if needed. After login or logout, the message like this should be on all the nodes `NODEXY/standalone/log/server.log` : ``` 2017-08-25 17:35:17,737 DEBUG [org.keycloak.models.sessions.infinispan.remotestore.RemoteCacheSessionListener] (Client-Listener-sessions-30012a77422542f5) Received event from remote store. Event 'CLIENT_CACHE_ENTRY_REMOVED', key '193489e7-e2bc-4069-afe8-f1dfa73084ea', skip 'false' ``` This is just a starting point and the instructions are subject to change. We plan performance improvements especially around performance. If you have any feedback regarding cross-dc scenario, please let us know on keycloak-user mailing list referred from [Keycloak home page](http://www.keycloak.org/community.html).