Example of using log-tool.sh ---------------------------- Perform the usual test run: ``` mvn verify -Pteardown mvn verify -Pprovision mvn verify -Pgenerate-data -Ddataset=100users -Dimport.workers=10 -DhashIterations=100 mvn verify -Ptest -Ddataset=100users -DrunUsers=200 -DrampUpPeriod=10 -DuserThinkTime=0 -DbadLoginAttempts=1 -DrefreshTokenCount=1 -DnumOfIterations=3 ``` Now analyze the generated simulation.log (adjust LOG_DIR, FROM, and TO): ``` LOG_DIR=$HOME/devel/keycloak/keycloak/testsuite/performance/tests/target/gatling/keycloaksimulation-1502735555123 ``` Get general statistics about the run to help with deciding about the interval to extract: ``` ./log-tool.sh -s -f $LOG_DIR/simulation.log ./log-tool.sh -s -f $LOG_DIR/simulation.log --lastRequest "Browser logout" ``` Set start and end times for the extraction, and create new directory for results: ``` FROM=1502735573285 TO=1502735581063 RESULT_DIR=tests/target/gatling/keycloaksimulation-$FROM\_$TO mkdir $RESULT_DIR ``` Extract a portion of the original log, and inspect statistics of resulting log: ``` ./log-tool.sh -f $LOG_DIR/simulation.log -o $RESULT_DIR/simulation-$FROM\_$TO.log -e --start $FROM --end $TO ./log-tool.sh -f $RESULT_DIR/simulation-$FROM\_$TO.log -s ``` Generate another set of reports from extracted log: ``` GATLING_HOME=$HOME/devel/gatling-charts-highcharts-bundle-2.1.7 cd $GATLING_HOME bin/gatling.sh -ro $RESULT_DIR ``` Installing Gatling Highcharts 2.1.7 ----------------------------------- ``` git clone http://github.com/gatling/gatling cd gatling git checkout v2.1.7 git checkout -b v2.1.7 sbt clean compile sbt publishLocal publishM2 cd .. git clone http://github.com/gatling/gatling-highcharts cd gatling-highcharts/ git checkout v2.1.7 git checkout -b v2.1.7 sbt clean compile sbt publishLocal publishM2 cd .. unzip ~/.ivy2/local/io.gatling.highcharts/gatling-charts-highcharts-bundle/2.1.7/zips/gatling-charts-highcharts-bundle-bundle.zip cd gatling-charts-highcharts-bundle-2.1.7 bin/gatling.sh ```