=== Available User Session Data After a user logs in from the external IDP, there is some additional user session note data that {project_name} stores that you can access. This data can be propagated to the client requesting a login via the token or SAML assertion being passed back to it by using an appropriate client mapper. identity_provider:: This is the IDP alias of the broker used to perform the login. identity_provider_identity:: This is the IDP username of the currently authenticated user. This is often the same as the {project_name} username, but doesn't necessarily needs to be. For example {project_name} user `john` can be linked to the Facebook user `john123@gmail.com`, so in that case value of user session note will be `john123@gmail.com` . You can use a <<_protocol-mappers, Protocol Mapper>> of type `User Session Note` to propagate this information to your clients.