{ "title": "Authentication", "authenticationExplain": "Authentication is the area where you can configure and manage different credential types.", "flows": "Flows", "requiredActions": "Required actions", "policies": "Policies", "passwordPolicy": "Password policy", "otpPolicy": "OTP Policy", "webauthnPolicy": "Webauthn Policy", "webauthnPasswordlessPolicy": "Webauthn Passwordless Policy", "noPasswordPolicies": "No password policies", "noPasswordPoliciesInstructions": "You haven't added any password policies to this realm. Add a policy to get started.", "updatePasswordPolicySuccess": "Password policies successfully updated", "updatePasswordPolicyError": "Could not update the password policies: '{{error}}'", "webAuthnPolicyRpEntityName": "Relying party entity name", "addPolicy": "Add policy", "otpType": "OTP type", "policyType": { "totp": "Time based", "hotp": "Counter based" }, "otpHashAlgorithm": "OTP hash algorithm", "otpPolicyDigits": "Number of digits", "lookAhead": "Look ahead window", "otpPolicyPeriod": "OTP Token period", "otpPolicyPeriodErrorHint": "Value needs to be between 1 second and 2 minutes", "otpPolicyCodeReusable": "Reusable token", "initialCounter": "Initial counter", "initialCounterErrorHint": "Value needs to be between 1 and 120", "supportedActions": "Supported actions", "updateOtpSuccess": "OTP policy successfully updated", "updateOtpError": "Could not update OTP policy: {{error}}", "webAuthnPolicySignatureAlgorithms": "Signature algorithms", "webAuthnPolicyRpId": "Relying party ID", "webAuthnPolicyAttestationConveyancePreference": "Attestation conveyance preference", "attestationPreference": { "not specified": "Not specified", "none": "None", "indirect": "Indirect", "direct": "Direct" }, "webAuthnPolicyAuthenticatorAttachment": "Authenticator Attachment", "authenticatorAttachment": { "not specified": "Not specified", "platform": "Platform", "cross-platform": "Cross platform" }, "webAuthnPolicyRequireResidentKey": "Require resident key", "residentKey": { "not specified": "Not specified", "Yes": "Yes", "No": "No" }, "webAuthnPolicyUserVerificationRequirement": "User verification requirement", "userVerify": { "not specified": "Not specified", "required": "Required", "preferred": "Preferred", "discouraged": "Discouraged" }, "webAuthnPolicyCreateTimeout": "Timeout", "webAuthnPolicyCreateTimeoutHint": "Timeout needs to be between 0 seconds and 8 hours", "webAuthnPolicyAvoidSameAuthenticatorRegister": "Avoid same authenticator registration", "webAuthnPolicyAcceptableAaguids": "Acceptable AAGUIDs", "addAaguids": "Add AAGUID", "webAuthnUpdateSuccess": "Updated webauthn policies successfully", "webAuthnUpdateError": "Could not update webauthn policies due to {{error}}", "flowName": "Flow name", "searchForFlow": "Search for flow", "usedBy": "Used by", "flowUsedBy": "Use of this flow", "flowUsedByDescription": "This flow is used by the following {{value}}", "buildIn": "Built-in", "appliedByProviders": "Applied by the following providers", "appliedByClients": "Applied by the following clients", "used": { "SPECIFIC_PROVIDERS": "Specific providers", "SPECIFIC_CLIENTS": "Specific clients", "DEFAULT": "Default", "notInUse": "Not in use" }, "duplicate": "Duplicate", "bindFlow": "Bind flow", "chooseBindingType": "Choose binding type", "flow": { "browser": "Browser flow", "registration": "Registration flow", "direct grant": "Direct grant flow", "reset credentials": "Reset credentials flow", "clients": "Client authentication flow", "docker auth": "Docker authentication flow" }, "editInfo": "Edit info", "editFlow": "Edit flow", "edit": "Edit", "deleteConfirmFlow": "Delete flow?", "deleteConfirmFlowMessage": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete the flow \"<1>{{flow}}\".", "deleteFlowSuccess": "Flow successfully deleted", "deleteFlowError": "Could not delete flow: {{error}}", "duplicateFlow": "Duplicate flow", "deleteConfirmExecution": "Delete execution?", "deleteConfirmExecutionMessage": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete the execution \"<1>{{name}}\".", "deleteExecutionSuccess": "Execution successfully deleted", "deleteExecutionError": "Could not delete execution: {{error}}", "updateFlowSuccess": "Flow successfully updated", "updateFlowError": "Could not update flow: {{error}}", "copyOf": "Copy of {{name}}", "copyFlowSuccess": "Flow successfully duplicated", "copyFlowError": "Could not duplicate flow: {{error}}", "createFlow": "Create flow", "flowType": "Flow type", "flow-type": { "basic-flow": "Generic", "form-flow": "Form" }, "top-level-flow-type": { "basic-flow": "Basic flow", "client-flow": "Client flow" }, "flowCreatedSuccess": "Flow created", "flowCreateError": "Could not create flow: {{error}}", "flowDetails": "Flow details", "tableView": "Table view", "diagramView": "Diagram view", "emptyExecution": "No steps", "emptyExecutionInstructions": "You can start defining this flow by adding a sub-flow or an execution", "addExecutionTitle": "Add an execution", "addExecution": "Add execution", "addSubFlowTitle": "Add a sub-flow", "addSubFlow": "Add sub-flow", "addCondition": "Add condition", "addStep": "Add step", "addStepTo": "Add step to {{name}}", "steps": "Steps", "requirement": "Requirement", "requirements": { "REQUIRED": "Required", "ALTERNATIVE": "Alternative", "DISABLED": "Disabled", "CONDITIONAL": "Conditional" }, "executionConfig": "{{name}} config", "alias": "Alias", "configSaveSuccess": "Successfully saved the execution config", "configSaveError": "Could not save the execution config: {{error}}", "setAsDefaultAction": "Set as default action", "disabledOff": "Disabled off", "updatedRequiredActionSuccess": "Updated required action successfully", "updatedRequiredActionError": "Could not update required action: {{error}}" }