{ "userFederation": "User federation", "descriptionLanding": "This is the description for the user federation landing page", "userFederationExplain": "User federation provides access to external databases and directories, such as LDAP and Active Directory.", "getStarted": "To get started, select a provider from the list below.", "providers": "Add providers", "addProvider_one": "Add {{provider}} provider", "addProvider_other": "Add {{provider}} providers", "addKerberosWizardTitle": "Add Kerberos user federation provider", "addLdapWizardTitle": "Add LDAP user federation provider", "syncChangedUsers": "Sync changed users", "syncAllUsers": "Sync all users", "syncLDAPGroupsSuccessful": "Data successfully synced {{result}}", "syncLDAPGroupsError": "Data could not be synced due {{error}}", "unlinkUsers": "Unlink users", "removeImported": "Remove imported", "deleteProvider": "Delete provider", "generalOptions": "General options", "uiDisplayName": "UI display name", "vendor": "Vendor", "connectionAndAuthenticationSettings": "Connection and authentication settings", "connectionURL": "Connection URL", "enableStartTls": "Enable StartTLS", "useTruststoreSpi": "Use Truststore SPI", "connectionPooling": "Connection pooling", "connectionTimeout": "Connection timeout", "bindType": "Bind type", "bindDn": "Bind DN", "bindCredentials": "Bind credentials", "ldapSearchingAndUpdatingSettings": "LDAP searching and updating", "editMode": "Edit mode", "usersDN": "Users DN", "usernameLdapAttribute": "Username LDAP attribute", "rdnLdapAttribute": "RDN LDAP attribute", "uuidLdapAttribute": "UUID LDAP attribute", "userObjectClasses": "User object classes", "userLdapFilter": "User LDAP filter", "searchScope": "Search scope", "readTimeout": "Read timeout", "pagination": "Pagination", "synchronizationSettings": "Synchronization settings", "syncRegistrations": "Sync Registrations", "importUsers": "Import users", "batchSize": "Batch size", "periodicFullSync": "Periodic full sync", "fullSyncPeriod": "Full sync period", "periodicChangedUsersSync": "Periodic changed users sync", "changedUsersSyncPeriod": "Changed users sync period", "kerberosIntegration": "Kerberos integration", "allowKerberosAuthentication": "Allow Kerberos authentication", "useKerberosForPasswordAuthentication": "Use Kerberos for password authentication", "cacheSettings": "Cache settings", "cachePolicy": "Cache policy", "evictionDay": "Eviction day", "evictionHour": "Eviction hour", "evictionMinute": "Eviction minute", "maxLifespan": "Max lifespan", "ms": "milliseconds", "advancedSettings": "Advanced settings", "enableLdapv3Password": "Enable the LDAPv3 password modify extended operation", "validatePasswordPolicy": "Validate password policy", "trustEmail": "Trust email", "requiredSettings": "Required Settings", "kerberosRealm": "Kerberos realm", "serverPrincipal": "Server principal", "keyTab": "Key tab", "krbPrincipalAttribute": "Kerberos principal attribute", "debug": "Debug", "allowPasswordAuthentication": "Allow password authentication", "updateFirstLogin": "Update first login", "always": "Always", "never": "Never", "oneLevel": "One Level", "subtree": "Subtree", "saveSuccess": "User federation provider successfully saved", "saveError": "User federation provider could not be saved: {{error}}", "createSuccess": "User federation provider successfully created", "createError": "User federation provider could not be created: {{error}}", "queryExtensions": "Query Supported Extensions", "testAuthentication": "Test authentication", "testSuccess": "Successfully connected to LDAP", "testError": "Error when trying to connect to LDAP: '{{error}}'", "learnMore": "Learn more", "managePriorities": "Manage priorities", "managePriorityOrder": "Manage priority order", "managePriorityInfo": "Priority is the order of providers when doing a user lookup. You can drag the row handlers to change the priorities.", "orderChangeSuccess": "Successfully changed the priority order of user federation providers", "orderChangeError": "Could not change the priority order of user federation providers {{error}}", "addNewProvider": "Add new provider", "addCustomProvider": "Add custom provider", "providerDetails": "Provider details", "userFedDeletedSuccess": "The user federation provider has been deleted.", "userFedDeleteError": "Could not delete user federation provider: '{{error}}'", "userFedDeleteConfirmTitle": "Delete user federation provider?", "userFedDeleteConfirm": "If you delete this user federation provider, all associated data will be removed.", "userFedDisableConfirmTitle": "Disable user federation provider?", "userFedDisableConfirm": "If you disable this user federation provider, it will not be considered for queries and imported users will be disabled and read-only until the provider is enabled again.", "userFedUnlinkUsersConfirmTitle": "Unlink all users?", "userFedUnlinkUsersConfirm": "Do you want to unlink all the users? Any users without a password in the database will not be able to authenticate anymore.", "removeImportedUsers": "Remove imported users?", "removeImportedUsersMessage": "Do you really want to remove all imported users? The option \"Unlink users\" makes sense just for the Edit Mode \"Unsynced\" and there should be a warning that \"unlinked\" users without the password in Keycloak database won't be able to authenticate.", "removeImportedUsersSuccess": "Imported users have been removed.", "removeImportedUsersError": "Could not remove imported users: '{{error}}'", "syncUsersSuccess": "Sync of users finished successfully.", "syncUsersError": "Could not sync users: '{{error}}'", "unlinkUsersSuccess": "Unlink of users finished successfully.", "unlinkUsersError": "Could not unlink users: '{{error}}'", "validateName": "You must enter a name", "validateRealm": "You must enter a realm", "validateServerPrincipal": "You must enter a server principal", "validateKeyTab": "You must enter a key tab", "validateConnectionUrl": "You must enter a connection URL", "validateBindDn": "You must enter the DN of the LDAP admin", "validateBindCredentials": "You must enter the password of the LDAP admin", "validateUuidLDAPAttribute": "You must enter a UUID LDAP attribute", "validateUserObjectClasses": "You must enter one or more user object classes", "validateEditMode": "You must select an edit mode", "validateUsersDn": "You must enter users DN", "validateUsernameLDAPAttribute": "You must enter a username LDAP attribute", "validateRdnLdapAttribute": "You must enter an RDN LDAP attribute", "validateCustomUserSearchFilter": "Filter must be enclosed in parentheses, for example: (filter)", "mapperTypeMsadUserAccountControlManager": "msad-user-account-control-mapper", "mapperTypeMsadLdsUserAccountControlMapper": "msad-user-account-control-mapper", "mapperTypeGroupLdapMapper": "group-ldap-mapper", "mapperTypeUserAttributeLdapMapper": "user-attribute-ldap-mapper", "mapperTypeRoleLdapMapper": "role-ldap-mapper", "mapperTypeHardcodedAttributeMapper": "hardcoded-attribute-mapper", "mapperTypeHardcodedLdapRoleMapper": "hardcoded-ldap-role-mapper", "mapperTypeCertificateLdapMapper": "certificate-ldap-mapper", "mapperTypeFullNameLdapMapper": "full-name-ldap-mapper", "mapperTypeHardcodedLdapGroupMapper": "hardcoded-ldap-group-mapper", "mapperTypeLdapAttributeMapper": "hardcoded-ldap-attribute-mapper", "ldapMappersList": "LDAP Mappers", "ldapFullNameAttribute": "LDAP full name attribute", "writeOnly": "Write only", "ldapGroupsDn": "LDAP groups DN", "groupNameLdapAttribute": "Group name LDAP attribute", "groupObjectClasses": "Group object classes", "preserveGroupInheritance": "Preserve group inheritance", "ignoreMissingGroups": "Ignore missing groups", "userGroupsRetrieveStrategy": "User groups retrieve strategy", "mappedGroupAttributes": "Mapped group attributes", "dropNonexistingGroupsDuringSync": "Drop non-existing groups during sync", "groupsPath": "Groups path", "membershipLdapAttribute": "Membership LDAP attribute", "membershipAttributeType": "Membership attribute type", "membershipUserLdapAttribute": "Membership user LDAP attribute", "ldapFilter": "LDAP filter", "mode": "Mode", "memberofLdapAttribute": "Member-of LDAP attribute", "ldapRolesDn": "LDAP roles DN", "roleNameLdapAttribute": "Role name LDAP attribute", "roleObjectClasses": "Role object classes", "userRolesRetrieveStrategy": "User roles retrieve strategy", "useRealmRolesMapping": "Use realm roles mapping", "ldapAttributeName": "LDAP attribute name", "ldapAttributeValue": "LDAP attribute value", "userModelAttribute": "User model attribute", "ldapAttribute": "LDAP attribute", "readOnly": "Read only", "alwaysReadValueFromLdap": "Always read value from LDAP", "isMandatoryInLdap": "Is mandatory in LDAP", "attributeDefaultValue": "Attribute default value", "isBinaryAttribute": "Is binary attribute", "derFormatted": "DER formatted", "passwordPolicyHintsEnabled": "Password policy hints enabled", "userModelAttributeName": "User model attribute name", "attributeValue": "Attribute value", "selectRole": "Select role", "group": "Group", "providerId": "Provider ID", "providerType": "Provider Type", "parentId": "Parent ID", "kerberosPrincipal": "Kerberos Principal", "kerberosKeyTab": "Kerberos Key Tab", "sync-ldap-roles-to-keycloak": "Sync LDAP roles to Keycloak", "sync-keycloak-roles-to-ldap": "Sync Keycloak roles to LDAP", "sync-ldap-groups-to-keycloak": "Sync LDAP groups to Keycloak", "sync-keycloak-groups-to-ldap": "Sync Keycloak groups to LDAP" }