= Support for multiple instances of a social broker in a realm It is now possible to have multiple instances of the same social broker in a realm. Most of the time a realm does not need multiple instances of the same social broker. But due to the introduction of the `organization` feature, it should be possible to link different instances of the same social broker to different organizations. When creating a social broker, you should now provide an `Alias` and optionally a `Display name` just like any other broker. = Removal of OSGi metadata Since all of the Java adapters that used OSGi metadata have been removed we have stopped generating OSGi metadata for our jars. = Infinispan marshalling changes to Infinispan Protostream Marshalling is the process of converting Java objects into bytes to send them across the network between {project_name} servers. With {project_name} 26, we changed the marshalling format from JBoss Marshalling to Infinispan Protostream. WARNING: JBoss Marshalling and Infinispan Protostream are not compatible with each other and incorrect usage may lead to data loss. Consequently, all caches are cleared when upgrading to this version. Infinispan Protostream is based on https://protobuf.dev/programming-guides/proto3/[Protocol Buffers] (proto 3), which has the advantage of backwards/forwards compatibility. = Group-related events no longer fired when removing a realm With the goal of improving the scalability of groups, they are now removed directly from the database when removing a realm. As a consequence, group-related events like the `GroupRemovedEvent` are no longer fired when removing a realm. For information on how to migrate, see the link:{upgradingguide_link}[{upgradingguide_name}]. = Persisting revoked access tokens across restarts In this release, revoked access tokens are written to the database and reloaded when the cluster is restarted by default when using the embedded caches. For information on how to migrate, see the link:{upgradingguide_link}[{upgradingguide_name}]. = Keycloak CR supports standard scheduling options The Keycloak CR now exposes first class properties for controlling the scheduling of your Keycloak Pods. For more details, see the https://www.keycloak.org/operator/advanced-configuration[Operator Advanced Configuration]. = KeycloakRealmImport CR supports placeholder replacement The KeycloakRealmImport CR now exposes `spec.placeholders` to create environment variables for placeholder replacement in the import. For more details, see the https://www.keycloak.org/operator/realm-import[Operator Realm Import]. = Configuring the LDAP Connection Pool In this release, the LDAP connection pool configuration relies solely on system properties. For more details, see link:{adminguide_link}#_ldap_connection_pool[Configuring the connection pool]. = The `java-keystore` key provider supports more algorithms and vault secrets The `java-keystore` key provider, which allows loading a realm key from an external java keystore file, has been modified to manage all {project_name} algorithms. Besides, the keystore and key secrets, needed to retrieve the actual key from the store, can be configured using the link:{adminguide_link}#_vault-administration[vault]. Therefore a {project_name} realm can externalize any key to the encrypted file without sensitive data stored in the database. For more information about this subject, see link:{adminguide_link}#realm_keys[Configuring realm keys]. = Customizable Footer in login Themes The `template.ftl` file in the `base/login` and the `keycloak.v2/login` theme now allows to customize the footer of the login box. This can be used to show common links or include custom scripts at the end of the page. The new `footer.ftl` template provides a `content` macro that is rendered at the bottom of the "login box". = Deprecating `keycloak` login Theme The `keycloak` login theme has been deprecated in favour of the new `keycloak.v2` and will be removed in a future version. While it remains the default for the new realms for compatibility reasons, it is strongly recommended to switch all the realm themes to `keycloak.v2`. = Highly available multi-site deployments {project_name} 26 introduces significant improvements to the recommended HA multi-site architecture, most notably: - {project_name} deployments on each site are now able to handle user requests simultaneously, therefore active/active setups are now supported. - The loadbalancer blueprint has been updated to use the AWS Global Accelerator as this avoids prolonged fail-over times caused by DNS caching by clients. - Persistent user sessions are now a requirement of the architecture. Consequently, user sessions will be kept on {project_name} or {jdgserver_name} upgrades. For information on how to migrate, see the link:{upgradingguide_link}[{upgradingguide_name}]. = Admin Bootstrapping and Recovery In the past, regaining access to a {project_name} instance when all admin users were locked out was a challenging and complex process. Recognizing these challenges and aiming to significantly enhance the user experience, {project_name} now offers several straightforward methods to bootstrap a temporary admin account and recover lost admin access. It is now possible to run the `start` or `start-dev` commands with specific options to create a temporary admin account. Additionally, a new dedicated command has been introduced, which allows users to regain admin access without hassle. For detailed instructions and more information on this topic, refer to the link:{bootstrapadminrecovery_link}[{bootstrapadminrecovery_name}] guide. = Identity Providers no longer available from the realm representation As part of the improvements around the scalability of realms and organizations when they have many identity providers, the realm representation no longer holds the list of identity providers. However, they are still available from the realm representation when exporting a realm. For information on how to migrate, see the link:{upgradingguide_link}[{upgradingguide_name}]. = Adding support for ECDH-ES encryption key management algorithms Now {project_name} allows configuring ECDH-ES, ECDH-ES+A128KW, ECDH-ES+A192KW or ECDH-ES+A256KW as the encryption key management algorithm for clients. The Key Agreement with Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral Static (ECDH-ES) specification introduces three new header parameters for the JWT: `epk`, `apu` and `apv`. Currently {project_name} implementation only manages the compulsory `epk` while the other two (which are optional) are never added to the header. For more information about those algorithms please refer to the link:https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7518#section-4.6[JSON Web Algorithms (JWA)]. ifeval::[{project_community}==true] Many thanks to https://github.com/justin-tay[Justin Tay] for the contribution. endif::[] = OpenTelemetry Tracing support _(Preview)_ The underlying Quarkus support for OpenTelemetry Tracing has been exposed to {project_name} and allows obtaining application traces for better observability. It helps to find performance bottlenecks, determine the cause of application failures, trace a request through the distributed system, and much more. The support is in preview mode, and we would be happy to obtain any feedback. For more information, see the link:{tracingguide_link}[{tracingguide_name}] guide. = Removal of legacy cookies Keycloak no longer sends `_LEGACY` cookies, which where introduced as a work-around to older browsers not supporting the `SameSite` flag on cookies. The `_LEGACY` cookies also served another purpose, which was to allow login from an insecure context. Although, this is not recommended at all in production deployments of Keycloak, it is fairly frequent to access Keycloak over `http` outside of `localhost`. As an alternative to the `_LEGACY` cookies Keycloak now doesn't set the `secure` flag and sets `SameSite=Lax` instead of `SameSite=None` when it detects an insecure context is used. = Hostname v1 feature removed The deprecated hostname v1 feature was removed. This feature was deprecated in {project_name} 25 and replaced by hostname v2. If you are still using this feature, you must migrate to hostname v2. For more details, see the https://www.keycloak.org/server/hostname[Configuring the hostname (v2)] and https://www.keycloak.org/docs/latest/upgrading/#new-hostname-options[the initial migration guide]. = Proxy option removed The deprecated `proxy` option was removed. This option was deprecated in {project_name} 24 and replaced by the `proxy-headers` option in combination with hostname options as needed. For more details, see https://www.keycloak.org/server/reverseproxy[using a reverse proxy] and https://www.keycloak.org/docs/latest/upgrading/index.html#deprecated-proxy-option[the initial migration guide]. = Property `origin` in the `UserRepresentation` is deprecated The `origin` property in the `UserRepresentation` is deprecated and planned to be removed in future releases. Instead, prefer using the `federationLink` property to obtain the provider to which a user is linked with. = Removal of GELF logging handler GELF support has been deprecated for a while now, and with this release it has been finally removed from {project_name}. Other log handlers are available and fully supported to be used as a replacement of GELF, for example Syslog. For details see the https://www.keycloak.org/server/logging[Logging guide].