#!/usr/bin/env node import chalk from "chalk"; import { Command } from "commander"; import fs from "fs-extra"; import Mustache from "mustache"; import { mkdtemp } from "node:fs"; import { tmpdir } from "node:os"; import { join, resolve, dirname } from "node:path"; import { simpleGit } from "simple-git"; import { fileURLToPath } from "url"; const packageJson = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync( join(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url), "..", "package.json"), "utf8", ), ); function main() { new Command(packageJson.name) .version(packageJson.version) .description(packageJson.description) .arguments("") .usage(`${chalk.green("")} [options]`) .option( "-t, --type ", "the type of ui to be created either `account` or `admin` ", "account", ) .action(async (name, options) => { console.log(`Creating a new ${chalk.green(name)} project`); await createProject(name, options.type); done(name); }) .on("--help", () => { console.log(); console.log(` Only ${chalk.green("")} is required.`); console.log(); console.log(` Type ${chalk.blue("--type")} can be one of:`); console.log( ` - ${chalk.green("account")} for an account ui based ui`, ); console.log(` - ${chalk.green("admin")} for an admin ui based ui`); console.log(); }) .parse(process.argv); } function cloneQuickstart() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { mkdtemp(join(tmpdir(), "template-"), async (err, dir) => { if (err) return reject(err); simpleGit() .clone("https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak-quickstarts", dir, { "--single-branch": undefined, "--branch": "main", }) .then(() => resolve(join(dir, "extension/extend-admin-console-node"))); }); }); } async function createProject(name, type) { const templateProjectDir = await cloneQuickstart(); const projectDir = join(resolve(), name); await fs.mkdir(projectDir); await fs.copy(templateProjectDir, projectDir); const filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url); const templateDir = join(dirname(filename), "templates"); const templateFiles = await searchFile(templateDir, "mu"); templateFiles.forEach(async (file) => { const dest = file.substring(templateDir.length, file.length - 3); const destPath = join(projectDir, dest); const contents = await fs.readFile(file, "utf8"); const data = Mustache.render(contents, { name, type, version: "^25.0.0", }); await fs.writeFile(destPath, data); }); } async function searchFile(dir, fileName) { const result = []; const files = await fs.readdir(dir); for (const file of files) { const filePath = join(dir, file); const fileStat = await fs.stat(filePath); if (fileStat.isDirectory()) { result.push(...(await searchFile(filePath, fileName))); } else if (file.endsWith(fileName)) { result.push(filePath); } } return result; } function done(appName) { console.log(); console.log(`Success! Created ${appName} at ./${appName}`); console.log("Inside that directory, you can run several commands:"); console.log(); console.log(chalk.cyan(` npm run start-keycloak`)); console.log(" Downloads and starts a keycloak server."); console.log(); console.log(chalk.cyan(` npm run dev`)); console.log(" Starts development server."); console.log(); console.log(chalk.cyan(` mvn install`)); console.log( " Bundles the app into a jar file that can be deployed to a keycloak ", ); console.log( ` server by putting it in the ${chalk.green("providers")} directory.`, ); console.log(); console.log("We suggest that you begin by typing:"); console.log(); console.log(chalk.cyan(" cd"), appName); console.log(` ${chalk.cyan(`npm run start-keycloak &`)}`); console.log(); console.log(` ${chalk.cyan(`npm run dev`)}`); console.log(); console.log("👾 🚀 Happy hacking!"); } main();