import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react"; import { useHistory, useParams } from "react-router-dom"; import { AlertVariant, ButtonVariant, DropdownItem, PageSection, Tab, TabTitleText, } from "@patternfly/react-core"; import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next"; import { useForm } from "react-hook-form"; import { useAlerts } from "../components/alert/Alerts"; import { useAdminClient } from "../context/auth/AdminClient"; import RoleRepresentation from "keycloak-admin/lib/defs/roleRepresentation"; import { KeyValueType, RoleAttributes } from "./RoleAttributes"; import { ViewHeader } from "../components/view-header/ViewHeader"; import { useConfirmDialog } from "../components/confirm-dialog/ConfirmDialog"; import { RealmRoleForm } from "./RealmRoleForm"; import { useRealm } from "../context/realm-context/RealmContext"; import { AssociatedRolesModal } from "./AssociatedRolesModal"; import { KeycloakTabs } from "../components/keycloak-tabs/KeycloakTabs"; const arrayToAttributes = (attributeArray: KeyValueType[]) => { const initValue: { [index: string]: string[] } = {}; return attributeArray.reduce((acc, attribute) => { acc[attribute.key] = [attribute.value]; return acc; }, initValue); }; const attributesToArray = (attributes: { [key: string]: string }): any => { if (!attributes || Object.keys(attributes).length == 0) { return [ { key: "", value: "", }, ]; } return Object.keys(attributes).map((key) => ({ key: key, value: attributes[key], })); }; export const RealmRoleTabs = () => { const { t } = useTranslation("roles"); const form = useForm({ mode: "onChange" }); const history = useHistory(); const [name, setName] = useState(""); const adminClient = useAdminClient(); const { realm } = useRealm(); const [role, setRole] = useState(); const { id } = useParams<{ id: string }>(); const { addAlert } = useAlerts(); const [open, setOpen] = useState(false); useEffect(() => { (async () => { if (id) { const fetchedRole = await adminClient.roles.findOneById({ id }); setName(!); setupForm(fetchedRole); setRole(fetchedRole); } else { setName(t("createRole")); } })(); }, []); const setupForm = (role: RoleRepresentation) => { Object.entries(role).map((entry) => { if (entry[0] === "attributes") { form.setValue(entry[0], attributesToArray(entry[1])); } else { form.setValue(entry[0], entry[1]); } }); }; // reset form to default values const reset = () => { setupForm(role!); }; const save = async (role: RoleRepresentation) => { try { if (id) { if (role.attributes) { // react-hook-form will use `KeyValueType[]` here we convert it back into an indexed property of string[] role.attributes = arrayToAttributes( (role.attributes as unknown) as KeyValueType[] ); } setRole(role!); setupForm(role!); await adminClient.roles.updateById({ id }, role); } else { await adminClient.roles.create(role); const createdRole = await adminClient.roles.findOneByName({ name:!, }); history.push(`/${realm}/roles/${}`); } addAlert(t(id ? "roleSaveSuccess" : "roleCreated"), AlertVariant.success); } catch (error) { addAlert( t((id ? "roleSave" : "roleCreate") + "Error", { error: || error, }), AlertVariant.danger ); } }; const [toggleDeleteDialog, DeleteConfirm] = useConfirmDialog({ titleKey: "roles:roleDeleteConfirm", messageKey: t("roles:roleDeleteConfirmDialog", { name }), continueButtonLabel: "common:delete", continueButtonVariant: ButtonVariant.danger, onConfirm: async () => { try { await adminClient.roles.delById({ id }); addAlert(t("roleDeletedSuccess"), AlertVariant.success); history.replace(`/${realm}/roles`); } catch (error) { addAlert(`${t("roleDeleteError")} ${error}`, AlertVariant.danger); } }, }); const toggleModal = () => setOpen(!open); return ( <> setOpen(!open)} /> toggleDeleteDialog()} > {t("deleteRole")} , toggleModal()} > {t("addAssociatedRolesText")} , ] : undefined } /> {id && ( {t("details")}} > {t("attributes")}} > )} {!id && ( )} ); };