// UserStory: As an RH SSO customer, I want to create a user in my first realm [id="create-user_{context}"] = Creating a user In the `demo` realm, you create a new user and a temporary password for that new user. .Procedure . From the menu, click *Users* to open the user list page. . On the right side of the empty user list, click *Add User* to open the Add user page. . Enter a name in the `Username` field. + This is the only required field. + .Add user page image:images/add-user.png[Add user page] . Flip the *Email Verified* switch to *On* and click *Save*. + The management page for the new user opens. . Click the *Credentials* tab to set a temporary password for the new user. . Type a new password and confirm it. . Click *Set Password* to set the user password to the new one you specified. + .Manage Credentials page image:images/user-credentials.png[Manage Credentials page] + [NOTE] ==== This password is temporary and the user will be required to change it at the first login. If you prefer to create a password that is persistent, flip the *Temporary* switch to *Off* and click *Set Password*. ====