export default { groups: { groups: "Groups", groupDetails: "Group details", childGroups: "Child groups", createGroup: "Create group", groupName: "Group name", searchForGroups: "Search for groups", searchGroups: "Search groups", searchGroup: "Search group", renameGroup: "Rename group", deleteGroup: "Delete group", leave: "Leave group", usersLeft_one: "{{count}} user left the group", usersLeft_other: "{{count}} users left the group", usersLeftError: "Could not remove users from the group: {{error}}", usersAdded_one: "{{count}} user added to the group", usersAdded_other: "{{count}} users added to the group", usersAddedError: "Could not add users to the group: {{error}}", search: "Search", members: "Members", searchMembers: "Search members", addMember: "Add member", includeSubGroups: "Include sub-group users", path: "Path", moveTo: "Move to", moveToGroup: "Move {{group1}} to {{group2}}", root: "Root", moveHere: "Move here", moveGroupEmpty: "No sub groups", moveGroupEmptyInstructions: "There are no sub groups, select 'Move here' to move the selected group as a subgroup of this group", moveGroupSuccess: "Group moved", moveGroupError: "Could not move group {{error}}", tableOfGroups: "Table of groups", groupsDescription: "Placeholder for groups explanation.", groupCreated: "Group created", couldNotCreateGroup: "Could not create group {{error}}", createAGroup: "Create a group", renameAGroup: "Rename group", create: "Create", rename: "Rename", email: "Email", lastName: "Last name", firstName: "First name", membership: "Membership", noSearchResults: "No search results", noSearchResultsInstructions: "Click on the search bar above to search for groups", noGroupsInThisRealm: "No groups in this realm", noGroupsInThisRealmInstructions: "You haven't created any groups in this realm. Create a group to get started.", noGroupsInThisSubGroup: "No groups in this sub group", noGroupsInThisSubGroupInstructions: "You haven't created any groups in this sub group.", deleteConfirmTitle_one: "Delete group?", deleteConfirmTitle_other: "Delete groups?", deleteConfirm_one: "Are you sure you want to delete this group", deleteConfirm_other: "Are you sure you want to delete this groups.", groupDeleted_one: "Group deleted", groupDeleted_other: "Groups deleted", groupDeleteError: "Error deleting group {error}", attributes: "Attributes", groupUpdated: "Group updated", groupUpdateError: "Error updating group {error}", roleMapping: "Role mapping", }, };