[id="assembly-user-registration_{context}"] = User Registration [role="_abstract"] You can use {project_name} as a third-party authorization server to manage application users. Administrators can add users or a users can self-register. You can enable {project_name} to allow user self-registration. When enabled, the login page displays a registration link that the user can click to create an account. A user must add profile information to the registration form to complete registration. The registration form can be customized by removing or adding additional fields that must be completed by a user. A user can detect a valid username and email by using the registration form. include::proc-enabling-user-registration.adoc[leveloffset=+2] include::proc-registering-new-user.adoc[leveloffset=+2] [role="_additional-resources"] .Additional resources * For more information on customizing user registration, see the link:{developerguide_link}[{developerguide_name}].