{ "roles": { "attributes": "Attributes", "addAttributeText": "Add an attribute", "deleteAttributeText": "Delete an attribute", "associatedRolesText": "Associated roles", "addAssociatedRolesText": "Add associated roles", "addAssociatedRolesSuccess": "Associated roles have been added", "associatedRolesModalTitle": "Add roles to {{name}}", "title": "Realm roles", "addRole": "Add role", "createRole": "Create role", "importRole": "Import role", "roleID": "Role ID", "homeURL": "Home URL", "filterByClients": "Filter by clients", "filterByRoles": "Filter by roles", "roleExplain": "Realm-level roles are a global namespace to define your roles.", "roleCreateExplain": "This is some description", "roleName": "Role name", "roleDetails": "Role details", "composite": "Composite", "deleteRole": "Delete this role", "details": "Details", "inheritedFrom": "Inherited from", "roleList": "Role list", "searchFor": "Search role by name", "generalSettings": "General Settings", "capabilityConfig": "Capability config", "roleImportError": "Could not import role", "roleCreated": "Role created", "roleCreateError": "Could not create role: {{error}}", "roleImportSuccess": "Role import successful", "roleDeleteConfirm": "Delete role?", "roleDeleteConfirmDialog": "This action will permanently delete the role {{selectedRoleName}} and cannot be undone.", "roleDeletedSuccess": "The role has been deleted", "roleDeleteError": "Could not delete role: {{error}}", "roleSaveSuccess": "The role has been saved", "roleSaveError": "Could not save role: {{error}}", "noRolesInThisRealm": "No roles in this realm", "noRolesInThisRealmInstructions": "You haven't created any roles in this realm. Create a role to get started.", "roleAuthentication": "Role authentication", "removeAllAssociatedRoles": "Remove all associated roles", "removeAssociatedRoles": "Remove associated roles", "removeRoles": "Remove roles", "removeAllAssociatedRolesConfirmDialog": "This action will remove the associated roles of {{name}}. Users who have permission to {{name}} will no longer have access to these roles.", "roleRemoveAssociatedRoleConfirm": "Remove associated role?", "roleRemoveAssociatedText": "This action will remove {{role}} from {{roleName}. All the associated roles of {{role}} will also be removed.", "compositeRoleOff": "Composite role turned off", "associatedRolesRemoved": "Associated roles have been removed", "compositesRemovedAlertDescription": "All the associated roles have been removed", "whoWillAppearLinkText": "Who will appear in this user list?", "whoWillAppearPopoverText": "This tab shows only the users who are assigned directly to this role. To see users who are assigned this role as an associated role or through a group, go to", "whoWillAppearPopoverFooterText": "Users who have this role as an effective role cannot be added on this tab.", "usersInRole": "Users in role", "addUser": "Add user", "removeUser": "Remove users", "removeUserText": "Do you want to remove {{numSelected}} users?. These users will no longer have permissions of the role {{role}} and the associated roles of it.", "noDirectUsers": "No direct users", "noUsersEmptyStateDescription": "Only the users with this role directly assigned will appear under this tab. If you need to find users assigned to this role, you can go to Groups or Users to find them. Users that already have this role as an effective role cannot be added here.", "id": "ID", "groups": "Groups", "users": "Users", "or": "or", "userName": "Username", "email": "Email", "lastName": "Last name", "firstName": "First name" } }