=== Create Admin Account After the server boots, open your browser and go to the http://localhost:8080/auth URL. The page should look like this: .Welcome Page image:../../{{book.images}}/standalone-boot-files.png[] {{book.project.name}} does not have any configured admin account out of the box. You must create one on the Welcome Page. This account will allow you to create an admin that can log into the _master_ realm's administration console so that you can start creating realms, users and registering applications to be secured by {{book.project.name}}. NOTE: You can only create an initial admin user on the Welcome Page if you connect via `localhost`. This is a security precaution. You can also create the initial admin user at the command line with the `add-user-keycloak.sh` script. This is discussed more in the link:{{book.installguide.link}}[{{book.installguide.name}}] and link:{{book.adminguide.link}}[{{book.adminguide.name}}].