{ "client-scopes": { "createClientScope": "Create client scope", "clientScopeList": "List of client scopes", "clientScopeDetails": "Client scope details", "clientScopeExplain": "Client scopes allow you to define a common set of protocol mappers and roles, which are shared between multiple clients", "searchFor": "Search for client scope", "name": "Name", "description": "Description", "category": "Category", "type": "Type", "priority": "Priority", "protocol": "Protocol", "includeInTokenScope": "Include in token scope", "settings": "Settings", "mappers": "Mappers", "mappersSearchFor": "Search for mapper", "addMapper": "Add mapper", "fromPredefinedMapper": "From predefined mappers", "byConfiguration": "By configuration", "emptyMappers": "No mappers", "emptyMappersInstructions": "If you want to add mappers, please click the button below to add some predefined mappers or to configure a new mapper.", "emptyPrimaryAction": "Add predefined mapper", "emptySecondaryAction": "Configure a new mapper", "mappingDetails": "Mapper details", "deleteMappingTitle": "Delete mapping?", "deleteMappingConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this mapping?", "mappingDeletedSuccess": "Mapping successfully deleted", "mappingDeletedError": "Could not delete mapping: '{{error}}'", "mappingUpdatedSuccess": "Mapping successfully updated", "mappingUpdatedError": "Could not update mapping: '{{error}}'", "realmRolePrefix": "Realm role prefix", "multiValued": "Multivalued", "tokenClaimName": "Token claim name", "claimJsonType": "Claim JSON type", "addClaimTo": "Add claim to", "idToken": "ID token", "accessToken": "Access token", "userInfo": "User info", "createSuccess": "Client scope created", "createError": "Could not create client scope: '{{error}}'", "updateSuccess": "Client scope updated", "updateError": "Could not update client scope: '{{error}}'", "settings": "Settings", "mappers": "Mappers", "mappersSearchFor": "Search for mapper", "addMapper": "Add mapper", "fromPredefinedMapper": "From predefined mappers", "byConfiguration": "By configuration", "emptyMappers": "No mappers", "emptyMappersInstructions": "If you want to add mappers, please click the button below to add some predefined mappers or to configure a new mapper.", "emptyPrimaryAction": "Add predefined mapper", "emptySecondaryAction": "Configure a new mapper", "mappingDeletedSuccess": "Mapping successfully deleted", "mappingDeletedError": "Could not delete mapping: '{{error}}'", "displayOnConsentScreen": "Display on consent screen", "consentScreenText": "Consent screen text", "guiOrder": "Display Order", "chooseAMapperType": "Choose a mapper type", "predefinedMappingDescription": "Choose one of the predefined mappings from this table", "mappingTable": "Table with predefined mapping" } }