#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e if [[ "$RUNNER_DEBUG" == "1" ]]; then set -x fi SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd ) source ${SCRIPT_DIR}/aurora_common.sh EXISTING_INSTANCES=$(aws rds describe-db-instances \ --query "DBInstances[?starts_with(DBInstanceIdentifier, '${AURORA_CLUSTER}')].DBInstanceIdentifier" \ --output text ) if [ -n "${EXISTING_INSTANCES}" ]; then echo "Aurora instances '${EXISTING_INSTANCES}' already exist in the '${AWS_REGION}' region" exit 1 fi # Create the Aurora VPC AURORA_VPC=$(aws ec2 create-vpc \ --cidr-block ${AURORA_VPC_CIDR} \ --tag-specifications "ResourceType=vpc, Tags=[{Key=AuroraCluster,Value=${AURORA_CLUSTER}},{Key=Name,Value=Aurora Cluster ${AURORA_CLUSTER}}]" \ --query "Vpc.VpcId" \ --output text ) # Each region may have different availability-zones, so we need to ensure that we use an az that exists IFS=' ' read -a AZS <<< "$(aws ec2 describe-availability-zones --region ${AURORA_REGION} --query "AvailabilityZones[].ZoneName" --output text)" # Create the Aurora Subnets SUBNET_A=$(aws ec2 create-subnet \ --availability-zone "${AZS[0]}" \ --vpc-id ${AURORA_VPC} \ --cidr-block ${AURORA_SUBNET_A_CIDR} \ --query "Subnet.SubnetId" \ --output text ) SUBNET_B=$(aws ec2 create-subnet \ --availability-zone "${AZS[1]}" \ --vpc-id ${AURORA_VPC} \ --cidr-block ${AURORA_SUBNET_B_CIDR} \ --query "Subnet.SubnetId" \ --output text ) AURORA_PUBLIC_ROUTE_TABLE_ID=$(aws ec2 describe-route-tables \ --filters Name=vpc-id,Values=${AURORA_VPC} \ --query "RouteTables[0].RouteTableId" \ --output text ) aws ec2 associate-route-table \ --route-table-id ${AURORA_PUBLIC_ROUTE_TABLE_ID} \ --subnet-id ${SUBNET_A} aws ec2 associate-route-table \ --route-table-id ${AURORA_PUBLIC_ROUTE_TABLE_ID} \ --subnet-id ${SUBNET_B} # Create Aurora Subnet Group aws rds create-db-subnet-group \ --db-subnet-group-name ${AURORA_SUBNET_GROUP_NAME} \ --db-subnet-group-description "Aurora DB Subnet Group" \ --subnet-ids ${SUBNET_A} ${SUBNET_B} # Create an Aurora VPC Security Group AURORA_SECURITY_GROUP_ID=$(aws ec2 create-security-group \ --group-name ${AURORA_SECURITY_GROUP_NAME} \ --description "Aurora DB Security Group" \ --vpc-id ${AURORA_VPC} \ --query "GroupId" \ --output text ) # Make the Aurora endpoint accessible outside the VPC ## Create Internet gateway INTERNET_GATEWAY=$(aws ec2 create-internet-gateway \ --tag-specifications "ResourceType=internet-gateway, Tags=[{Key=AuroraCluster,Value=${AURORA_CLUSTER}},{Key=Name,Value=Aurora Cluster ${AURORA_CLUSTER}}]" \ --query "InternetGateway.InternetGatewayId" \ --output text ) aws ec2 attach-internet-gateway \ --internet-gateway-id ${INTERNET_GATEWAY} \ --vpc-id ${AURORA_VPC} aws ec2 create-route \ --route-table-id ${AURORA_PUBLIC_ROUTE_TABLE_ID} \ --destination-cidr-block \ --gateway-id ${INTERNET_GATEWAY} ## Enable DNS hostnames required for publicly accessible Aurora instances aws ec2 modify-vpc-attribute \ --vpc-id ${AURORA_VPC} \ --enable-dns-hostnames ## Ensure the Postgres port is accessible outside the VPC aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \ --group-id ${AURORA_SECURITY_GROUP_ID} \ --ip-permissions "FromPort=5432,ToPort=5432,IpProtocol=tcp,IpRanges=[{CidrIp=}]" # Create the Aurora DB cluster and instance aws rds create-db-cluster \ --db-cluster-identifier ${AURORA_CLUSTER} \ --database-name keycloak \ --engine ${AURORA_ENGINE} \ --engine-version ${AURORA_ENGINE_VERSION} \ --master-username ${AURORA_USERNAME} \ --master-user-password ${AURORA_PASSWORD} \ --vpc-security-group-ids ${AURORA_SECURITY_GROUP_ID} \ --db-subnet-group-name ${AURORA_SUBNET_GROUP_NAME} \ --tags "Key=keepalive" # Add keepalive tag to prevent keycloak-benchmark reaper from removing DB during nightly runs # For now only two AZs in each region are supported due to the two subnets created above for i in $( seq ${AURORA_INSTANCES} ); do aws rds create-db-instance \ --db-cluster-identifier ${AURORA_CLUSTER} \ --db-instance-identifier "${AURORA_CLUSTER}-instance-${i}" \ --db-instance-class ${AURORA_INSTANCE_CLASS} \ --engine ${AURORA_ENGINE} \ --availability-zone "${AZS[$(((i - 1) % ${#AZS[@]}))]}" \ --publicly-accessible done for i in $( seq ${AURORA_INSTANCES} ); do aws rds wait db-instance-available --db-instance-identifier "${AURORA_CLUSTER}-instance-${i}" done export AURORA_ENDPOINT=$(aws rds describe-db-clusters \ --db-cluster-identifier ${AURORA_CLUSTER} \ --query "DBClusters[*].Endpoint" \ --output text )