<#import "/templates/guide.adoc" as tmpl> <#import "/templates/links.adoc" as links> <@tmpl.guide title="Bring site online" summary="This guide describes how to bring a site online so that it can process client requests." > == When to use this procedure This procedure describes how to re-add a Keycloak site to the Global Accelerator, after it has previously been taken offline, so that it can once again service client requests. == Procedure Follow these steps to re-add a Keycloak site to the AWS Global Accelerator so that it can handle client requests. === Global Accelerator . Determine the ARN of the Network Load Balancer (NLB) associated with the site to be brought online + <#include "partials/accelerator/nlb-arn.adoc" /> + . Update the Accelerator EndpointGroup to include both sites <#include "partials/accelerator/endpoint-group.adoc" /> + .Output: [source,bash] ---- { "EndpointGroups": [ { "EndpointGroupArn": "arn:aws:globalaccelerator::606671647913:accelerator/d280fc09-3057-4ab6-9330-6cbf1f450748/listener/8769072f/endpoint-group/a30b64ec1700", "EndpointGroupRegion": "eu-west-1", "EndpointDescriptions": [ { "EndpointId": "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:eu-west-1:606671647913:loadbalancer/net/a3c75f239541c4a6e9c48cf8d48d602f/5ba333e87019ccf0", "Weight": 128, "HealthState": "HEALTHY", "ClientIPPreservationEnabled": false } ], "TrafficDialPercentage": 100.0, "HealthCheckPort": 443, "HealthCheckProtocol": "TCP", "HealthCheckIntervalSeconds": 30, "ThresholdCount": 3 } ] } ---- + .. Update the EndpointGroup to include the existing Endpoint and the NLB retrieved in step 1. + .Command: [source,bash] ---- aws globalaccelerator update-endpoint-group \ --endpoint-group-arn arn:aws:globalaccelerator::606671647913:accelerator/d280fc09-3057-4ab6-9330-6cbf1f450748/listener/8769072f/endpoint-group/a30b64ec1700 \ --region us-west-2 \ --endpoint-configurations ' [ { "EndpointId": "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:eu-west-1:606671647913:loadbalancer/net/a3c75f239541c4a6e9c48cf8d48d602f/5ba333e87019ccf0", "Weight": 128, "ClientIPPreservationEnabled": false }, { "EndpointId": "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:eu-west-1:606671647913:loadbalancer/net/a49e56e51e16843b9a3bc686327c907b/9b786f80ed4eba3d", "Weight": 128, "ClientIPPreservationEnabled": false } ] ' ----