// tslint:disable:no-unused-expression import { faker } from "@faker-js/faker"; import * as chai from "chai"; import { KeycloakAdminClient } from "../src/client.js"; import type ClientRepresentation from "../src/defs/clientRepresentation.js"; import type ClientScopeRepresentation from "../src/defs/clientScopeRepresentation.js"; import type PolicyRepresentation from "../src/defs/policyRepresentation.js"; import { Logic } from "../src/defs/policyRepresentation.js"; import type ProtocolMapperRepresentation from "../src/defs/protocolMapperRepresentation.js"; import type ResourceRepresentation from "../src/defs/resourceRepresentation.js"; import type ScopeRepresentation from "../src/defs/scopeRepresentation.js"; import type UserRepresentation from "../src/defs/userRepresentation.js"; import { credentials } from "./constants.js"; const expect = chai.expect; describe("Clients", () => { let kcAdminClient: KeycloakAdminClient; let currentClient: ClientRepresentation; let currentClientScope: ClientScopeRepresentation; let currentRoleName: string; before(async () => { kcAdminClient = new KeycloakAdminClient(); await kcAdminClient.auth(credentials); // create client and also test it // NOTICE: to be clear, clientId stands for the property `clientId` of client // clientUniqueId stands for property `id` of client const clientId = faker.internet.username(); const createdClient = await kcAdminClient.clients.create({ clientId, }); expect(createdClient.id).to.be.ok; const client = await kcAdminClient.clients.findOne({ id: createdClient.id, }); expect(client).to.be.ok; currentClient = client!; }); after(async () => { // delete the current one await kcAdminClient.clients.del({ id: currentClient.id!, }); }); it("list clients", async () => { const clients = await kcAdminClient.clients.find(); expect(clients).to.be.ok; }); it("get single client", async () => { const clientUniqueId = currentClient.id!; const client = await kcAdminClient.clients.findOne({ id: clientUniqueId, }); // not sure why entity from list api will not have property: authorizationServicesEnabled expect(client).to.deep.include(currentClient); }); it("update single client", async () => { const { clientId, id: clientUniqueId } = currentClient; await kcAdminClient.clients.update( { id: clientUniqueId! }, { // clientId is required in client update. no idea why... clientId, description: "test", }, ); const client = await kcAdminClient.clients.findOne({ id: clientUniqueId!, }); expect(client).to.include({ description: "test", }); }); it("delete single client", async () => { // create another one for delete test const clientId = faker.internet.username(); const { id } = await kcAdminClient.clients.create({ clientId, }); // delete it await kcAdminClient.clients.del({ id, }); const delClient = await kcAdminClient.clients.findOne({ id, }); expect(delClient).to.be.null; }); /** * client roles */ describe("client roles", () => { before(async () => { const roleName = faker.internet.username(); // create a client role const { roleName: createdRoleName } = await kcAdminClient.clients.createRole({ id: currentClient.id, name: roleName, }); expect(createdRoleName).to.be.equal(roleName); // assign currentClientRole currentRoleName = roleName; }); after(async () => { // delete client role await kcAdminClient.clients.delRole({ id: currentClient.id!, roleName: currentRoleName, }); }); it("list the client roles", async () => { const roles = await kcAdminClient.clients.listRoles({ id: currentClient.id!, }); expect(roles[0]).to.include({ name: currentRoleName, }); }); it("find the client role", async () => { const role = await kcAdminClient.clients.findRole({ id: currentClient.id!, roleName: currentRoleName, }); expect(role).to.include({ name: currentRoleName, clientRole: true, containerId: currentClient.id, }); }); it("update the client role", async () => { // NOTICE: roleName MUST be in the payload, no idea why... const delta = { name: currentRoleName, description: "test", }; await kcAdminClient.clients.updateRole( { id: currentClient.id!, roleName: currentRoleName, }, delta, ); // check the change const role = await kcAdminClient.clients.findRole({ id: currentClient.id!, roleName: currentRoleName, }); expect(role).to.include(delta); }); it("delete a client role", async () => { const roleName = faker.internet.username(); // create a client role await kcAdminClient.clients.createRole({ id: currentClient.id, name: roleName, }); // delete await kcAdminClient.clients.delRole({ id: currentClient.id!, roleName, }); // check it's null const role = await kcAdminClient.clients.findRole({ id: currentClient.id!, roleName, }); expect(role).to.be.null; }); }); describe("client secret", () => { before(async () => { const { clientId, id: clientUniqueId } = currentClient; // update with serviceAccountsEnabled: true await kcAdminClient.clients.update( { id: clientUniqueId!, }, { clientId, serviceAccountsEnabled: true, }, ); }); it("get client secret", async () => { const credential = await kcAdminClient.clients.getClientSecret({ id: currentClient.id!, }); expect(credential).to.have.all.keys("type", "value"); }); it("generate new client secret", async () => { const newCredential = await kcAdminClient.clients.generateNewClientSecret( { id: currentClient.id!, }, ); const credential = await kcAdminClient.clients.getClientSecret({ id: currentClient.id!, }); expect(newCredential).to.be.eql(credential); }); it("generate new registration access token", async () => { const newRegistrationAccessToken = await kcAdminClient.clients.generateRegistrationAccessToken({ id: currentClient.id!, }); expect(newRegistrationAccessToken).to.be.ok; }); it("invalidate rotation token", async () => { await kcAdminClient.clients.invalidateSecret({ id: currentClient.id!, }); }); it("get installation providers", async () => { const installationProvider = await kcAdminClient.clients.getInstallationProviders({ id: currentClient.id!, providerId: "keycloak-oidc-jboss-subsystem", }); expect(installationProvider).to.be.ok; expect(typeof installationProvider).to.be.equal("string"); }); it("get service account user", async () => { const serviceAccountUser = await kcAdminClient.clients.getServiceAccountUser({ id: currentClient.id!, }); expect(serviceAccountUser).to.be.ok; }); }); describe("default client scopes", () => { let dummyClientScope: ClientScopeRepresentation; beforeEach(async () => { dummyClientScope = { name: "does-anyone-read-this", description: "Oh - seems like you are reading Hey there!", protocol: "openid-connect", }; // setup dummy client scope await kcAdminClient.clientScopes.create(dummyClientScope); currentClientScope = (await kcAdminClient.clientScopes.findOneByName({ name: dummyClientScope.name!, }))!; }); afterEach(async () => { // cleanup default scopes try { const { id } = currentClient; const { id: clientScopeId } = currentClientScope; await kcAdminClient.clients.delDefaultClientScope({ clientScopeId: clientScopeId!, id: id!, }); } catch { // ignore } // cleanup client scopes try { await kcAdminClient.clientScopes.delByName({ name: dummyClientScope.name!, }); } catch { // ignore } }); it("list default client scopes", async () => { const defaultClientScopes = await kcAdminClient.clients.listDefaultClientScopes({ id: currentClient.id!, }); expect(defaultClientScopes).to.be.ok; }); it("add default client scope", async () => { const { id } = currentClient; const { id: clientScopeId } = currentClientScope; await kcAdminClient.clients.addDefaultClientScope({ id: id!, clientScopeId: clientScopeId!, }); const defaultScopes = await kcAdminClient.clients.listDefaultClientScopes( { id: id! }, ); expect(defaultScopes).to.be.ok; const clientScope = defaultScopes.find( (scope) => scope.id === clientScopeId, ); expect(clientScope).to.be.ok; }); it("delete default client scope", async () => { const { id } = currentClient; const { id: clientScopeId } = currentClientScope; await kcAdminClient.clients.addDefaultClientScope({ id: id!, clientScopeId: clientScopeId!, }); await kcAdminClient.clients.delDefaultClientScope({ id: id!, clientScopeId: clientScopeId!, }); const defaultScopes = await kcAdminClient.clients.listDefaultClientScopes( { id: id! }, ); const clientScope = defaultScopes.find( (scope) => scope.id === clientScopeId, ); expect(clientScope).not.to.be.ok; }); }); describe("optional client scopes", () => { let dummyClientScope: ClientScopeRepresentation; beforeEach(async () => { dummyClientScope = { name: "i-hope-your-well", description: "Everyone has that one friend.", protocol: "openid-connect", }; // setup dummy client scope await kcAdminClient.clientScopes.create(dummyClientScope); currentClientScope = (await kcAdminClient.clientScopes.findOneByName({ name: dummyClientScope.name!, }))!; }); afterEach(async () => { // cleanup optional scopes try { const { id } = currentClient; const { id: clientScopeId } = currentClientScope; await kcAdminClient.clients.delOptionalClientScope({ clientScopeId: clientScopeId!, id: id!, }); } catch { // ignore } // cleanup client scopes try { await kcAdminClient.clientScopes.delByName({ name: dummyClientScope.name!, }); } catch { // ignore } }); it("list optional client scopes", async () => { const optionalClientScopes = await kcAdminClient.clients.listOptionalClientScopes({ id: currentClient.id!, }); expect(optionalClientScopes).to.be.ok; }); it("add optional client scope", async () => { const { id } = currentClient; const { id: clientScopeId } = currentClientScope; await kcAdminClient.clients.addOptionalClientScope({ id: id!, clientScopeId: clientScopeId!, }); const optionalScopes = await kcAdminClient.clients.listOptionalClientScopes({ id: id! }); expect(optionalScopes).to.be.ok; const clientScope = optionalScopes.find( (scope) => scope.id === clientScopeId, ); expect(clientScope).to.be.ok; }); it("delete optional client scope", async () => { const { id } = currentClient; const { id: clientScopeId } = currentClientScope; await kcAdminClient.clients.addOptionalClientScope({ id: id!, clientScopeId: clientScopeId!, }); await kcAdminClient.clients.delOptionalClientScope({ id: id!, clientScopeId: clientScopeId!, }); const optionalScopes = await kcAdminClient.clients.listOptionalClientScopes({ id: id! }); const clientScope = optionalScopes.find( (scope) => scope.id === clientScopeId, ); expect(clientScope).not.to.be.ok; }); }); describe("protocol mappers", () => { let dummyMapper: ProtocolMapperRepresentation; beforeEach(() => { dummyMapper = { name: "become-a-farmer", protocol: "openid-connect", protocolMapper: "oidc-role-name-mapper", config: { role: "admin", "new.role.name": "farmer", }, }; }); afterEach(async () => { try { const { id: clientUniqueId } = currentClient; const { id: mapperId } = (await kcAdminClient.clients.findProtocolMapperByName({ id: clientUniqueId!, name: dummyMapper.name!, }))!; await kcAdminClient.clients.delProtocolMapper({ id: clientUniqueId!, mapperId: mapperId!, }); } catch { // ignore } }); it("list protocol mappers", async () => { const { id } = currentClient; const mapperList = await kcAdminClient.clients.listProtocolMappers({ id: id!, }); expect(mapperList).to.be.ok; }); it("add multiple protocol mappers", async () => { const { id } = currentClient; await kcAdminClient.clients.addMultipleProtocolMappers({ id: id! }, [ dummyMapper, ]); const mapper = (await kcAdminClient.clients.findProtocolMapperByName({ id: id!, name: dummyMapper.name!, }))!; expect(mapper).to.be.ok; expect(mapper.protocol).to.eq(dummyMapper.protocol); expect(mapper.protocolMapper).to.eq(dummyMapper.protocolMapper); }); it("add single protocol mapper", async () => { const { id } = currentClient; await kcAdminClient.clients.addProtocolMapper({ id: id! }, dummyMapper); const mapper = (await kcAdminClient.clients.findProtocolMapperByName({ id: id!, name: dummyMapper.name!, }))!; expect(mapper).to.be.ok; expect(mapper.protocol).to.eq(dummyMapper.protocol); expect(mapper.protocolMapper).to.eq(dummyMapper.protocolMapper); }); it("find protocol mapper by id", async () => { const { id } = currentClient; await kcAdminClient.clients.addProtocolMapper({ id: id! }, dummyMapper); const { id: mapperId } = (await kcAdminClient.clients.findProtocolMapperByName({ id: id!, name: dummyMapper.name!, }))!; const mapper = await kcAdminClient.clients.findProtocolMapperById({ mapperId: mapperId!, id: id!, }); expect(mapper).to.be.ok; expect(mapper.id).to.eql(mapperId); }); it("find protocol mapper by name", async () => { const { id } = currentClient; await kcAdminClient.clients.addProtocolMapper({ id: id! }, dummyMapper); const mapper = (await kcAdminClient.clients.findProtocolMapperByName({ id: id!, name: dummyMapper.name!, }))!; expect(mapper).to.be.ok; expect(mapper.name).to.eql(dummyMapper.name); }); it("find protocol mappers by protocol", async () => { const { id } = currentClient; await kcAdminClient.clients.addProtocolMapper({ id: id! }, dummyMapper); const mapperList = await kcAdminClient.clients.findProtocolMappersByProtocol({ id: id!, protocol: dummyMapper.protocol!, }); expect(mapperList).to.be.ok; expect(mapperList.length).to.be.gte(1); const mapper = mapperList.find((item) => item.name === dummyMapper.name); expect(mapper).to.be.ok; }); it("update protocol mapper", async () => { const { id } = currentClient; dummyMapper.config = { "access.token.claim": "true" }; await kcAdminClient.clients.addProtocolMapper({ id: id! }, dummyMapper); const mapper = (await kcAdminClient.clients.findProtocolMapperByName({ id: id!, name: dummyMapper.name!, }))!; expect(mapper.config!["access.token.claim"]).to.eq("true"); mapper.config = { "access.token.claim": "false" }; await kcAdminClient.clients.updateProtocolMapper( { id: id!, mapperId: mapper.id! }, mapper, ); const updatedMapper = (await kcAdminClient.clients.findProtocolMapperByName({ id: id!, name: dummyMapper.name!, }))!; expect(updatedMapper.config!["access.token.claim"]).to.eq("false"); }); it("delete protocol mapper", async () => { const { id } = currentClient; await kcAdminClient.clients.addProtocolMapper({ id: id! }, dummyMapper); const { id: mapperId } = (await kcAdminClient.clients.findProtocolMapperByName({ id: id!, name: dummyMapper.name!, }))!; await kcAdminClient.clients.delProtocolMapper({ id: id!, mapperId: mapperId!, }); const mapper = await kcAdminClient.clients.findProtocolMapperByName({ id: id!, name: dummyMapper.name!, }); expect(mapper).not.to.be.ok; }); }); describe("scope mappings", () => { it("list client and realm scope mappings", async () => { const { id } = currentClient; const scopes = await kcAdminClient.clients.listScopeMappings({ id: id!, }); expect(scopes).to.be.ok; }); describe("client", () => { const dummyRoleName = "clientScopeMappingsRole-dummy"; beforeEach(async () => { const { id } = currentClient; await kcAdminClient.clients.createRole({ id, name: dummyRoleName, }); }); afterEach(async () => { try { const { id } = currentClient; await kcAdminClient.clients.delRole({ id: id!, roleName: dummyRoleName, }); } catch { // ignore } }); it("add scope mappings", async () => { const { id: clientUniqueId } = currentClient; const availableRoles = await kcAdminClient.clients.listAvailableClientScopeMappings({ id: clientUniqueId!, client: clientUniqueId!, }); await kcAdminClient.clients.addClientScopeMappings( { id: clientUniqueId!, client: clientUniqueId!, }, availableRoles, ); const roles = await kcAdminClient.clients.listClientScopeMappings({ id: clientUniqueId!, client: clientUniqueId!, }); expect(roles).to.be.ok; expect(roles).to.be.eql(availableRoles); }); it("list scope mappings", async () => { const { id: clientUniqueId } = currentClient; const roles = await kcAdminClient.clients.listClientScopeMappings({ id: clientUniqueId!, client: clientUniqueId!, }); expect(roles).to.be.ok; }); it("list available scope mappings", async () => { const { id: clientUniqueId } = currentClient; const roles = await kcAdminClient.clients.listAvailableClientScopeMappings({ id: clientUniqueId!, client: clientUniqueId!, }); expect(roles).to.be.ok; }); it("list composite scope mappings", async () => { const { id: clientUniqueId } = currentClient; const roles = await kcAdminClient.clients.listCompositeClientScopeMappings({ id: clientUniqueId!, client: clientUniqueId!, }); expect(roles).to.be.ok; }); it("delete scope mappings", async () => { const { id: clientUniqueId } = currentClient; const rolesBefore = await kcAdminClient.clients.listClientScopeMappings( { id: clientUniqueId!, client: clientUniqueId!, }, ); await kcAdminClient.clients.delClientScopeMappings( { id: clientUniqueId!, client: clientUniqueId!, }, rolesBefore, ); const rolesAfter = await kcAdminClient.clients.listClientScopeMappings({ id: clientUniqueId!, client: clientUniqueId!, }); expect(rolesAfter).to.be.ok; expect(rolesAfter).to.eql([]); }); it("get effective scope mapping of all roles for a specific container", async () => { const { id: clientUniqueId } = currentClient; const roles = await kcAdminClient.clients.evaluatePermission({ id: clientUniqueId!, roleContainer: "master", type: "granted", scope: "openid", }); expect(roles).to.be.ok; expect(roles.length).to.be.eq(5); }); it("get list of all protocol mappers", async () => { const { id: clientUniqueId } = currentClient; const protocolMappers = await kcAdminClient.clients.evaluateListProtocolMapper({ id: clientUniqueId!, scope: "openid", }); expect(protocolMappers).to.be.ok; expect(protocolMappers.length).to.be.gt(10); }); it("get JSON with payload of examples", async () => { const { id: clientUniqueId } = currentClient; const username = faker.internet.username(); const user = await kcAdminClient.users.create({ username, }); const accessToken = await kcAdminClient.clients.evaluateGenerateAccessToken({ id: clientUniqueId!, userId: user.id, scope: "openid", }); const idToken = await kcAdminClient.clients.evaluateGenerateIdToken({ id: clientUniqueId!, userId: user.id, scope: "openid", }); const userInfo = await kcAdminClient.clients.evaluateGenerateUserInfo({ id: clientUniqueId!, userId: user.id, scope: "openid", }); expect(accessToken).to.be.ok; expect(idToken).to.be.ok; expect(userInfo).to.be.ok; await kcAdminClient.users.del({ id: user.id }); }); }); describe("realm", () => { const dummyRoleName = "realmScopeMappingsRole-dummy"; beforeEach(async () => { await kcAdminClient.roles.create({ name: dummyRoleName, }); }); afterEach(async () => { try { await kcAdminClient.roles.delByName({ name: dummyRoleName, }); } catch { // ignore } }); it("add scope mappings", async () => { const { id } = currentClient; const availableRoles = await kcAdminClient.clients.listAvailableRealmScopeMappings({ id: id!, }); await kcAdminClient.clients.addRealmScopeMappings( { id: id! }, availableRoles, ); const roles = await kcAdminClient.clients.listRealmScopeMappings({ id: id!, }); expect(roles).to.be.ok; expect(roles).to.deep.members(availableRoles); }); it("list scope mappings", async () => { const { id } = currentClient; const roles = await kcAdminClient.clients.listRealmScopeMappings({ id: id!, }); expect(roles).to.be.ok; }); it("list available scope mappings", async () => { const { id } = currentClient; const roles = await kcAdminClient.clients.listAvailableRealmScopeMappings({ id: id!, }); expect(roles).to.be.ok; }); it("list composite scope mappings", async () => { const { id } = currentClient; const roles = await kcAdminClient.clients.listCompositeRealmScopeMappings({ id: id!, }); expect(roles).to.be.ok; }); it("delete scope mappings", async () => { const { id } = currentClient; const rolesBefore = await kcAdminClient.clients.listRealmScopeMappings({ id: id!, }); await kcAdminClient.clients.delRealmScopeMappings( { id: id! }, rolesBefore, ); const rolesAfter = await kcAdminClient.clients.listRealmScopeMappings({ id: id!, }); expect(rolesAfter).to.be.ok; expect(rolesAfter).to.eql([]); }); }); }); describe("sessions", () => { it("list clients user sessions", async () => { const clientUniqueId = currentClient.id; const userSessions = await kcAdminClient.clients.listSessions({ id: clientUniqueId!, }); expect(userSessions).to.be.ok; }); it("list clients offline user sessions", async () => { const clientUniqueId = currentClient.id; const userSessions = await kcAdminClient.clients.listOfflineSessions({ id: clientUniqueId!, }); expect(userSessions).to.be.ok; }); it("list clients user session count", async () => { const clientUniqueId = currentClient.id; const userSessions = await kcAdminClient.clients.getSessionCount({ id: clientUniqueId!, }); expect(userSessions).to.be.ok; }); it("list clients offline user session count", async () => { const clientUniqueId = currentClient.id; const userSessions = await kcAdminClient.clients.getOfflineSessionCount({ id: clientUniqueId!, }); expect(userSessions).to.be.ok; }); }); describe("nodes", () => { const host = ""; it("register a node manually", async () => { await kcAdminClient.clients.addClusterNode({ id: currentClient.id!, node: host, }); const client = (await kcAdminClient.clients.findOne({ id: currentClient.id!, }))!; expect(Object.keys(client.registeredNodes!)).to.be.eql([host]); }); it("remove registered host", async () => { await kcAdminClient.clients.deleteClusterNode({ id: currentClient.id!, node: host, }); const client = (await kcAdminClient.clients.findOne({ id: currentClient.id!, }))!; expect(client.registeredNodes).to.be.undefined; }); }); describe("client attribute certificate", () => { const keystoreConfig = { format: "JKS", keyAlias: "new", keyPassword: "password", realmAlias: "master", realmCertificate: false, storePassword: "password", }; const attr = "jwt.credential"; it("generate and download keys", async () => { const result = await kcAdminClient.clients.generateAndDownloadKey( { id: currentClient.id!, attr }, keystoreConfig, ); expect(result).to.be.ok; }); it("generate key and updated info", async () => { const certificate = await kcAdminClient.clients.generateKey({ id: currentClient.id!, attr, }); expect(certificate).to.be.ok; expect(certificate.certificate).to.be.ok; const info = await kcAdminClient.clients.getKeyInfo({ id: currentClient.id!, attr, }); expect(info).to.be.eql(certificate); }); it("download key", async () => { const result = await kcAdminClient.clients.downloadKey( { id: currentClient.id!, attr }, keystoreConfig, ); expect(result).to.be.ok; }); }); describe("authorization", async () => { const resourceConfig = { name: "testResourceName", type: "testResourceType", scopeNames: ["testScopeA", "testScopeB", "testScopeC"], }; const policyConfig = { name: "testPolicyName", type: "user", logic: Logic.POSITIVE, }; const permissionConfig = { name: "testPermissionName", type: "scope", logic: Logic.POSITIVE, }; let scopes: ScopeRepresentation[]; let resource: ResourceRepresentation; let policy: PolicyRepresentation; let permission: PolicyRepresentation; let user: UserRepresentation; before("enable authorization services", async () => { await kcAdminClient.clients.update( { id: currentClient.id! }, { clientId: currentClient.clientId, authorizationServicesEnabled: true, serviceAccountsEnabled: true, }, ); }); before("create test user", async () => { const username = faker.internet.username(); user = await kcAdminClient.users.create({ username, }); }); after("delete test user", async () => { await kcAdminClient.users.del({ id: user.id!, }); }); after("disable authorization services", async () => { await kcAdminClient.clients.update( { id: currentClient.id! }, { clientId: currentClient.clientId, authorizationServicesEnabled: false, serviceAccountsEnabled: false, }, ); }); it("create authorization scopes", async () => { scopes = ( await Promise.all( resourceConfig.scopeNames.map(async (name) => { const result = await kcAdminClient.clients.createAuthorizationScope( { id: currentClient.id! }, { name, }, ); expect(result).to.be.ok; return result; }), ) ).sort((a, b) => (a.name < b.name ? -1 : 1)); }); it("list all authorization scopes", async () => { const result = await kcAdminClient.clients.listAllScopes({ id: currentClient.id!, }); expect(result.sort((a, b) => (a.name! < b.name! ? -1 : 1))).to.deep.equal( scopes, ); }); it("update authorization scope", async () => { const updatedScope = { ...scopes[0], displayName: "Hello" }; await kcAdminClient.clients.updateAuthorizationScope( { id: currentClient.id!, scopeId: scopes[0].id! }, updatedScope, ); const fetchedScope = await kcAdminClient.clients.getAuthorizationScope({ id: currentClient.id!, scopeId: scopes[0].id!, }); expect(fetchedScope).to.deep.equal(updatedScope); }); it("list all resources by scope", async () => { const result = await kcAdminClient.clients.listAllResourcesByScope({ id: currentClient.id!, scopeId: scopes[0].id!, }); expect(result).to.deep.equal([]); }); it("list all permissions by scope", async () => { const result = await kcAdminClient.clients.listAllPermissionsByScope({ id: currentClient.id!, scopeId: scopes[0].id!, }); expect(result).to.deep.equal([]); }); it("import resource", async () => { await kcAdminClient.clients.importResource( { id: currentClient.id! }, { allowRemoteResourceManagement: true, policyEnforcementMode: "ENFORCING", resources: [], policies: [], scopes: [], decisionStrategy: "UNANIMOUS", }, ); }); it("export resource", async () => { const result = await kcAdminClient.clients.exportResource({ id: currentClient.id!, }); expect(result.allowRemoteResourceManagement).to.be.equal(true); expect(result.resources?.length).to.be.equal(1); }); it("create resource", async () => { resource = await kcAdminClient.clients.createResource( { id: currentClient.id! }, { name: resourceConfig.name, type: resourceConfig.type, scopes, }, ); expect(resource).to.be.ok; }); it("get resource", async () => { const r = await kcAdminClient.clients.getResource({ id: currentClient.id!, resourceId: resource._id!, }); expect(r).to.deep.equal(resource); }); it("get resource server", async () => { const resourceServer = await kcAdminClient.clients.getResourceServer({ id: currentClient.id!, }); expect(resourceServer).to.be.ok; expect(resourceServer.clientId).to.be.equal(currentClient.id); resourceServer.decisionStrategy = "UNANIMOUS"; await kcAdminClient.clients.updateResourceServer( { id: currentClient.id! }, resourceServer, ); }); it("list permission by resource", async () => { const result = await kcAdminClient.clients.listPermissionsByResource({ id: currentClient.id!, resourceId: resource._id!, }); expect(result).to.be.ok; }); it("list scopes by resource", async () => { const result = await kcAdminClient.clients.listScopesByResource({ id: currentClient.id!, resourceName: resource._id!, }); expect(result.sort((a, b) => (a.name < b.name ? -1 : 1))).to.deep.equal( scopes, ); }); it("list resources", async () => { const result = await kcAdminClient.clients.listResources({ id: currentClient.id!, }); expect(result).to.deep.include(resource); }); it("update resource", async () => { resource.name = "foo"; await kcAdminClient.clients.updateResource( { id: currentClient.id!, resourceId: resource._id!, }, resource, ); const result = await kcAdminClient.clients.getResource({ id: currentClient.id!, resourceId: resource._id!, }); expect(result.name).to.equal("foo"); }); it("create policy", async () => { policy = await kcAdminClient.clients.createPolicy( { id: currentClient.id!, type: policyConfig.type, }, { name: policyConfig.name, logic: policyConfig.logic, users: [user.id!], }, ); expect(policy).to.be.ok; }); it("policy list dependencies", async () => { const dependencies = await kcAdminClient.clients.listDependentPolicies({ id: currentClient.id!, policyId: policy.id!, }); expect(dependencies).to.be.ok; }); it("create permission", async () => { permission = await kcAdminClient.clients.createPermission( { id: currentClient.id!, type: "scope", }, { name: permissionConfig.name, logic: permissionConfig.logic, // @ts-ignore resources: [resource._id], policies: [policy.id!], scopes: scopes.map((scope) => scope.id!), }, ); const p = await kcAdminClient.clients.findPermissions({ id: currentClient.id!, name: permissionConfig.name, }); expect(p.length).to.be.eq(1); expect(p[0].logic).to.be.eq(permissionConfig.logic); }); it("get associated scopes for permission", async () => { const result = await kcAdminClient.clients.getAssociatedScopes({ id: currentClient.id!, permissionId: permission.id!, }); expect(result.sort((a, b) => (a.name < b.name ? -1 : 1))).to.deep.equal( scopes, ); }); it("get associated policies for permission", async () => { const result = await kcAdminClient.clients.getAssociatedPolicies({ id: currentClient.id!, permissionId: permission.id!, }); expect(result.length).to.be.eq(1); expect(result[0].id).to.be.eq(policy.id); }); it("get associated resources for permission", async () => { const result = await kcAdminClient.clients.getAssociatedResources({ id: currentClient.id!, permissionId: permission.id!, }); expect(result).to.deep.equal([ { _id: resource._id, name: resource.name, }, ]); }); it("list policy providers", async () => { const result = await kcAdminClient.clients.listPolicyProviders({ id: currentClient.id!, }); expect(result).to.be.ok; }); it.skip("Enable fine grained permissions", async () => { const permission = await kcAdminClient.clients.updateFineGrainPermission( { id: currentClient.id! }, { enabled: true }, ); expect(permission).to.include({ enabled: true, }); }); it.skip("List fine grained permissions for this client", async () => { const permissions = (await kcAdminClient.clients.listFineGrainPermissions( { id: currentClient.id! }, ))!; expect(permissions.scopePermissions).to.be.an("object"); }); }); });