==== Parameters Forwarding The {{book.project.name}} initial authorization endpoint request has support for various parameters. Most of the parameters are described in http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#AuthorizationEndpoint[OIDC specification]. Some parameters are added automatically by the adapter based on the adapter configuration. However, there are also a few parameters that can be added on a per-invocation basis. When you open the secured application URI, the particular parameter will be forwarded to the {{book.project.name}} authorization endpoint. For example, if you request an offline token, then you can open the secured application URI with the `scope` parameter like: [source] ---- http://myappserver/mysecuredapp?scope=offline_access ---- and the parameter `scope=offline_access` will be automatically forwarded to the {{book.project.name}} authorization endpoint. The supported parameters are: * scope * prompt * max_age * login_hint * kc_idp_hint Most of the parameters are described in the http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#AuthorizationEndpoint[OIDC specification]. The only exception is parameter `kc_idp_hint`, which is specific to {{book.project.name}} and contains the name of the identity provider to automatically use. For more information see the `Identity Brokering` section in link:{{book.adminguide.link}}[{{book.adminguide.name}}].