==== GitLab .Procedure . Click *Identity Providers* in the menu. . From the `Add provider` list, select `GitLab`. + .Add identity provider image:{project_images}/gitlab-add-identity-provider.png[Add identity provider] + . Copy the value of *Redirect URI* to your clipboard. . In a separate browser tab, https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/integration/oauth_provider.html[add a new GitLab application]. .. Use the *Redirect URI* in your clipboard as the *Redirect URI*. .. Note the `Client ID` and `Client Secret` when you save the application. . In {project_name}, paste the value of the `Client ID` into the *Client ID* field. . In {project_name}, paste the value of the `Client Secret` into the *Client Secret* field. ifeval::[{project_community}==true] . Click *Add*. endif::[] ifeval::[{project_product}==true] . Click *Save*. endif::[]