import urlJoin from "url-join"; import { parseTemplate } from "url-template"; import type { KeycloakAdminClient } from "../client.js"; import { fetchWithError, NetworkError, parseResponse, } from "../utils/fetchWithError.js"; import { stringifyQueryParams } from "../utils/stringifyQueryParams.js"; // constants const SLASH = "/"; type Method = "GET" | "POST" | "PUT" | "DELETE"; // interface export interface RequestArgs { method: Method; path?: string; // Keys of url params to be applied urlParamKeys?: string[]; // Keys of query parameters to be applied queryParamKeys?: string[]; // Mapping of key transformations to be performed on the payload keyTransform?: Record; // If responding with 404, catch it and return null instead catchNotFound?: boolean; // The key of the value to use from the payload of request. Only works for POST & PUT. payloadKey?: string; // Whether the response header have a location field with newly created resource id // if this value is set, we return the field with format: {[field]: resourceId} // to represent the newly created resource // detail: keycloak/keycloak-nodejs-admin-client issue #11 returnResourceIdInLocationHeader?: { field: string }; /** * Keys to be ignored, meaning that they will not be filtered out of the request payload even if they are a part of `urlParamKeys` or `queryParamKeys`, */ ignoredKeys?: string[]; headers?: HeadersInit; } const pick = (value: Record, keys: string[]) => Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(value).filter(([key]) => keys.includes(key)), ); const omit = (value: Record, keys: string[]) => Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(value).filter(([key]) => !keys.includes(key)), ); export class Agent { #client: KeycloakAdminClient; #basePath: string; #getBaseParams?: () => Record; #getBaseUrl?: () => string; constructor({ client, path = "/", getUrlParams = () => ({}), getBaseUrl = () => client.baseUrl, }: { client: KeycloakAdminClient; path?: string; getUrlParams?: () => Record; getBaseUrl?: () => string; }) { this.#client = client; this.#getBaseParams = getUrlParams; this.#getBaseUrl = getBaseUrl; this.#basePath = path; } public request({ method, path = "", urlParamKeys = [], queryParamKeys = [], catchNotFound = false, keyTransform, payloadKey, returnResourceIdInLocationHeader, ignoredKeys, headers, }: RequestArgs) { return async ( payload: any = {}, options?: Pick, ) => { const baseParams = this.#getBaseParams?.() ?? {}; // Filter query parameters by queryParamKeys const queryParams = queryParamKeys.length > 0 ? (pick(payload, queryParamKeys) as any) : undefined; // Add filtered payload parameters to base parameters const allUrlParamKeys = [...Object.keys(baseParams), ...urlParamKeys]; const urlParams = { ...baseParams, ...pick(payload, allUrlParamKeys) }; if (!(payload instanceof FormData)) { // Omit url parameters and query parameters from payload const omittedKeys = ignoredKeys ? [...allUrlParamKeys, ...queryParamKeys].filter( (key) => !ignoredKeys.includes(key), ) : [...allUrlParamKeys, ...queryParamKeys]; payload = omit(payload, omittedKeys); } // Transform keys of both payload and queryParams if (keyTransform) { this.#transformKey(payload, keyTransform); this.#transformKey(queryParams, keyTransform); } return this.#requestWithParams({ method, path, payload, urlParams, queryParams, // catchNotFound precedence: global > local > default catchNotFound, ...(this.#client.getGlobalRequestArgOptions() ?? options ?? {}), payloadKey, returnResourceIdInLocationHeader, headers, }); }; } public updateRequest({ method, path = "", urlParamKeys = [], queryParamKeys = [], catchNotFound = false, keyTransform, payloadKey, returnResourceIdInLocationHeader, headers, }: RequestArgs) { return async (query: any = {}, payload: any = {}) => { const baseParams = this.#getBaseParams?.() ?? {}; // Filter query parameters by queryParamKeys const queryParams = queryParamKeys ? (pick(query, queryParamKeys) as any) : undefined; // Add filtered query parameters to base parameters const allUrlParamKeys = [...Object.keys(baseParams), ...urlParamKeys]; const urlParams = { ...baseParams, ...pick(query, allUrlParamKeys), }; // Transform keys of queryParams if (keyTransform) { this.#transformKey(queryParams, keyTransform); } return this.#requestWithParams({ method, path, payload, urlParams, queryParams, catchNotFound, payloadKey, returnResourceIdInLocationHeader, headers, }); }; } async #requestWithParams({ method, path, payload, urlParams, queryParams, catchNotFound, payloadKey, returnResourceIdInLocationHeader, headers, }: { method: Method; path: string; payload: any; urlParams: any; queryParams?: Record; catchNotFound: boolean; payloadKey?: string; returnResourceIdInLocationHeader?: { field: string }; headers?: HeadersInit; }) { const newPath = urlJoin(this.#basePath, path); // Parse template and replace with values from urlParams const pathTemplate = parseTemplate(newPath); const parsedPath = pathTemplate.expand(urlParams); const url = new URL(`${this.#getBaseUrl?.() ?? ""}${parsedPath}`); const requestOptions = { ...this.#client.getRequestOptions() }; const requestHeaders = new Headers([ Headers(requestOptions.headers).entries(), ["authorization", `Bearer ${await this.#client.getAccessToken()}`], ["accept", "application/json, text/plain, */*"], Headers(headers).entries(), ]); const searchParams: Record = {}; // Add payload parameters to search params if method is 'GET'. if (method === "GET") { Object.assign(searchParams, payload); } else if (requestHeaders.get("content-type") === "text/plain") { // Pass the payload as a plain string if the content type is 'text/plain'. requestOptions.body = payload as unknown as string; } else if (payload instanceof FormData) { requestOptions.body = payload; } else { // Otherwise assume it's JSON and stringify it. requestOptions.body = JSON.stringify( payloadKey ? payload[payloadKey] : payload, ); } if (!requestHeaders.has("content-type") && !(payload instanceof FormData)) { requestHeaders.set("content-type", "application/json"); } if (queryParams) { Object.assign(searchParams, queryParams); } = stringifyQueryParams(searchParams); try { const res = await fetchWithError(url, { ...requestOptions, headers: requestHeaders, method, }); // now we get the response of the http request // if `resourceIdInLocationHeader` is true, we'll get the resourceId from the location header field // todo: find a better way to find the id in path, maybe some kind of pattern matching // for now, we simply split the last sub-path of the path returned in location header field if (returnResourceIdInLocationHeader) { const locationHeader = res.headers.get("location"); if (typeof locationHeader !== "string") { throw new Error( `location header is not found in request: ${res.url}`, ); } const resourceId = locationHeader.split(SLASH).pop(); if (!resourceId) { // throw an error to let users know the response is not expected throw new Error( `resourceId is not found in Location header from request: ${res.url}`, ); } // return with format {[field]: string} const { field } = returnResourceIdInLocationHeader; return { [field]: resourceId }; } if ( Object.entries(headers || []).find( ([key, value]) => key.toLowerCase() === "accept" && value === "application/octet-stream", ) ) { return res.arrayBuffer(); } return parseResponse(res); } catch (err) { if ( err instanceof NetworkError && err.response.status === 404 && catchNotFound ) { return null; } throw err; } } #transformKey(payload: any, keyMapping: Record) { if (!payload) { return; } Object.keys(keyMapping).some((key) => { if (typeof payload[key] === "undefined") { return false; } const newKey = keyMapping[key]; payload[newKey] = payload[key]; delete payload[key]; }); } }