=== Client Suggested Identity Provider Each Identity provider has option `Authenticate By Default`, which allows that Identity provider is automatically selected during authentication. User won't even see Keycloak login page, but is automatically redirected to the identity provider. Applications can also automatically select an identity provider in order to authenticate an user. Selection per application is preferred over `Authenticate By Default` option if you need more control on when exactly is Identity provider automatically selected. Keycloak supports a specific HTTP query parameter that you can use as a hint to tell the server which identity provider should be used to authenticate the user. For that, you can append the `kc_idp_hint` as a query parameter to your application url, as follows: [source,java] ---- GET /myapplication.com?kc_idp_hint=facebook HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:8080 ---- In this case, is expected that your realm has an identity provider with an alias `facebook`. If you are using `keycloak.js` adapter, you can also achieve the same behavior: [source,java] ---- var keycloak = new Keycloak('keycloak.json'); keycloak.createLoginUrl({ idpHint: 'facebook' }); ----