// Module included in the following assemblies: // // server_admin/topics/users.adoc [id="proc-configuring-user-attributes_{context}"] = Configuring user attributes User attributes provide a customized experience for each user. You can create a personalized identity for each user in the console by configuring user attributes. .Users image:images/user-attributes.png[] .Prerequisite * You are in the realm where the user exists. .Procedure . Click *Users* in the menu. . Select a user to manage. . Click the *Attributes* tab. . Enter the attribute name in the *Key* field. . Enter the attribute value in the *Value* field. . Click *Save*. NOTE: Some read-only attributes are not supposed to be updated by the administrators. This includes attributes that are read-only by design like for example `LDAP_ID`, which is filled automatically by the LDAP provider. Some other attributes should be read-only for typical user administrators due to security reasons. See the details in the xref:read_only_user_attributes[Mitigating security threats] chapter.