==== Bitbucket To log in with Bitbucket, perform the following procedure. .Procedure . Click *Identity Providers* in the menu. . From the `Add provider` list, select `Bitbucket`. + .Add Identity Provider image:{project_images}/bitbucket-add-identity-provider.png[Add Identity Provider] + . Copy the value of *Redirect URI* to your clipboard. . In a separate browser tab, perform the https://support.atlassian.com/bitbucket-cloud/docs/use-oauth-on-bitbucket-cloud/[OAuth on Bitbucket Cloud] process. When you click *Add Consumer*: .. Paste the value of *Redirect URI* into the *Callback URL* field. .. Ensure you select *Email* and *Read* in the *Account* section to permit your application to read email. . Note the `Key` and `Secret` values Bitbucket displays when you create your consumer. . In {project_name}, paste the value of the `Key` into the *Client ID* field. . In {project_name}, paste the value of the `Secret` into the *Client Secret* field. . Click *Save*.