import { Dispatch, useCallback, useMemo } from "react"; import { useStorageItem } from "./useStorageItem"; /** * A hook that acts similarly to React's `useState()`, but persists the state using [Web Storage API]( * Automatically updates the value when modified in the context of another document (such as an open tab) trough the [`storage`]( event. * * The value is serialized as [JSON]( and therefore the value provided must be serializable as such. * Because the value is always serialized it will never be referentially equal to originally provided value. * * @param storageArea The storage area to target, must implement the [`Storage`]( interface (such as [`localStorage`]( and [`sessionStorage`]( * @param keyName The key of the item to get from storage, same as passed to [`Storage.getItem()`]( * @param defaultValue The default value to fall back to in case no stored value was retrieved (must be serializable as JSON). */ export function useStoredState( storageArea: Storage, keyName: string, defaultValue: S ): [S, Dispatch] { const defaultValueSerialized = useMemo( () => JSON.stringify(defaultValue), [defaultValue] ); const [storedValue, setStoredValue] = useStorageItem( storageArea, keyName, defaultValueSerialized ); const value = useMemo(() => JSON.parse(storedValue), [storedValue]); const setValue = useCallback( (value: S) => setStoredValue(JSON.stringify(value)), [] ); return [value, setValue]; }