{ "realm-settings": { "partialImport": "Partial import", "partialExport": "Partial export", "deleteRealm": "Delete realm", "deleteConfirmTitle": "Delete realm?", "deleteConfirm": "If you delete this realm, all associated data will be removed.", "deletedSuccess": "The realm has been deleted", "deleteError": "Could not delete realm: {{error}}", "disableConfirmTitle": "Disable realm?", "disableConfirm": "User and clients can't access the realm if it's disabled. Are you sure you want to continue?", "saveSuccess": "Realm successfully updated", "saveProviderSuccess": "The provider has been saved successfully.", "saveProviderError": "Error saving provider: ", "saveError": "Realm could not be updated: {error}", "general": "General", "login": "Login", "themes": "Themes", "email": "Email", "template": "Template", "connectionAndAuthentication": "Connection & Authentication", "from": "From", "fromDisplayName": "From display name", "replyTo": "Reply to", "replyToDisplayName": "Reply to display name", "envelopeFrom": "Envelope from", "host": "Host", "port": "Port", "encryption": "Encryption", "authentication": "Authentication", "enableSSL": "Enable SSL", "enableStartTLS": "Enable StartTLS", "username": "Username", "password": "Password", "keys": "Keys", "keysList": "Keys list", "searchKey":"Search key", "keystore": "Keystore", "keystorePassword": "Keystore password", "keyAlias": "Key alias", "keyPassword": "Key password", "providers": "Providers", "algorithm": "Algorithm", "aesGenerated": "aes-generated", "ecdsaGenerated": "ecdsca-generated", "hmacGenerated": "hmac-generated", "javaKeystore": "java-keystore", "rsa": "rsa", "rsaGenerated": "rsa-generated", "consoleDisplayName": "Console Display Name", "AESKeySize": "AES Key Size", "active": "Active", "privateRSAKey": "Private RSA Key", "x509Certificate": "X509 Certificate", "ellipticCurve": "Elliptic Curve", "secretSize": "Secret size", "type": "Type", "name": "Name", "kid": "Kid", "provider": "Provider", "providerDescription": "Provider description", "addProvider": "Add provider", "publicKeys": "Public keys", "certificate": "Certificate", "userRegistration": "User registration", "userRegistrationHelpText": "Enable/disable the registration page. A link for registration will show on login page too.", "forgotPassword": "Forgot password", "forgotPasswordHelpText": "Show a link on login page for user to click when they have forgotten their credentials.", "rememberMe": "Remember me", "rememberMeHelpText": "Show checkbox on login page to allow user to remain logged in between browser restarts until session expires.", "emailAsUsername": "Email as username", "emailAsUsernameHelpText": "Allow users to set email as username.", "loginWithEmail": "Login with email", "loginWithEmailHelpText": "Allow users to log in with their email address.", "duplicateEmails": "Duplicate emails", "duplicateEmailsHelpText": "Allow multiple users to have the same email address. Changing this setting will also clear the user's cache. It is recommended to manually update email constraints of existing users in the database after switching off support for duplicate email addresses.", "verifyEmail": "Verify email", "verifyEmailHelpText": "Require user to verify their email address after initial login or after address changes are submitted.", "realmId": "Realm ID", "displayName": "Display name", "htmlDisplayName": "HTML Display name", "frontendUrl": "Frontend URL", "requireSsl": "Require SSL", "sslType": { "all": "All requests", "external": "External requests", "none": "None" }, "selectATheme": "Select a theme", "allSupportedLocales": { "ca": "Català", "cs": "Čeština", "da": "Dansk", "de": "Deutsch", "en": "English", "es": "Español", "fr": "Français", "hu": "Magyar", "it": "Italiano", "ja": "日本語", "lt": "Lietuvių kalba", "nl": "Nederlands", "no": "Norsk", "pl": "Polski", "pt-BR": "Português (Brasil)", "ru": "Русский", "sk": "Slovenčina", "sv": "Svenska", "tr": "Türkçe", "zh-CN": "中文" }, "userManagedAccess": "User-managed access", "endpoints": "Endpoints", "openIDEndpointConfiguration": "OpenID Endpoint Configuration", "samlIdentityProviderMetadata": "SAML 2.0 Identity Provider Metadata", "loginTheme": "Login theme", "accountTheme": "Account theme", "adminTheme": "Admin console theme", "emailTheme": "Email theme", "internationalization": "Internationalization", "supportedLocales": "Supported locales", "defaultLocale": "Default locale" }, "partial-import": { "partialImportHeaderText": "Partial import allows you to import users, clients, and resources from a previously exported json file.", "import": "Import" }, "onDragStart": "Dragging started for item {{id}}", "onDragMove": "Dragging item {{id}}", "onDragCancel": "Dragging cancelled. List is unchanged.", "onDragFinish": "Dragging finished {{list}}" }