=== Socket Port Bindings
The ports opened for each socket have a pre-defined default that can be overridden at the command line or within configuration.
To illustrate this configuration, let's pretend you are running in <<_standalone-mode,standalone mode>> and
open up the _.../standalone/configuration/standalone.xml_. Search for `socket-binding-group`.
`socket-bindings` define socket connections that will be opened by the server. These bindings specify the
`interface` (bind address) they use as well as what port number they will open. The ones you will be most interested in are:
Defines the port used for {project_name} HTTP connections
Defines the port used for {project_name} HTTPS connections
This socket binding defines the port used for the AJP protocol. This protocol is used by Apache HTTPD server
in conjunction `mod-cluster` when you are using Apache HTTPD as a load balancer.
Defines the HTTP connection used by {appserver_name} CLI and web console.
When running in <<_domain-mode,domain mode>> setting the socket configurations
is a bit trickier as the example _domain.xml_ file has multiple `socket-binding-groups` defined. If you scroll down
to the `server-group` definitions you can see what `socket-binding-group` is used for each `server-group`.
.domain socket bindings
NOTE: There are many more options available when setting up `socket-binding-group` definitions. For more information, see link:{appserver_socket_link}[the socket binding group] in the _{appserver_socket_name}_.