[[_standalone-mode]] === Standalone Mode Standalone operating mode is only useful when you want to run one, and only one {{book.project.name}} server instance. Standalone instances contain all the configuration files they need locally. What this basically means is that any configuration done must be done on the config files contained in the installed distribution on the machine the {{book.project.name}} is going to run on {{book.project.name}} standalone mode is available pre-configured out of the box. It turns off clustering entirely and turns any distributed caches into local-only ones. ==== Standalone Boot Script When running the server in standalone mode, there is a specific script you need to run to boot the server depending on your operating system. These scripts live in the _bin/_ directory of the server distribution. .Standalone Boot Scripts image:../../{{book.images}}/standalone-boot-files.png[] To boot the server: .Linux/Unix [source] ---- $ .../bin/standalone.sh ---- .Windows [source] ---- > ...\bin\standalone.bat ---- ==== Standalone Configuration The bulk of this guide walks you through how to configure infrastructure level aspects of {{book.project.name}}. These aspects are configured in a configuration file that is specific to the application server that {{book.project.name}} is a derivative of. In the standalone operation mode, this file lives in _.../standalone/configuration/standalone.xml_. .Standalone Config File image:../../{{book.images}}/standalone-config-file.png[] NOTE: Any changes you make to this file while the server is running will not take effect and may even be overwritten by the server. Instead use the the command line scripting or the web console of {{book.appserver.name}}. See the link:{{book.appserver.admindoc.link}}[{{book.appserver.admindoc.name}}] for more information. ==== Standalone {{book.project.name}} Configuration {{book.project.name}} has a json configuration file that is specific to {{book.project.name}} this is located within _.../standalone/configuration/keycloak.json_. This file is used to configure non-infrastructure level things that are only applicable to {{book.project.name}} .Standalone {{book.project.name}} Config File image:../../{{book.images}}/standalone-json-config-file.png[] NOTE: Any changes you make to this file while the server is running will not take effect. You'll need to reboot the server.