==== Google There are a number of steps you have to complete to be able to login to Google. First, go to the `Identity Providers` left menu item and select `Google` from the `Add provider` drop down list. This will bring you to the `Add identity provider` page. .Add Identity Provider image:{project_images}/google-add-identity-provider.png[] You can't click save yet, as you'll need to obtain a `Client ID` and `Client Secret` from Google. One piece of data you'll need from this page is the `Redirect URI`. You'll have to provide that to Google when you register {project_name} as a client there, so copy this URI to your clipboard. To enable login with Google you first have to create a project and a client in the https://console.cloud.google.com/project[Google Developer Console]. Then you need to copy the client id and secret into the {project_name} Admin Console. NOTE: Google often changes the look and feel of the Google Developer Console, so these directions might not always be up to date and the configuration steps might be slightly different. Let's see first how to create a project with Google. Log in to the link:https://console.cloud.google.com/project[Google Developer Console]. .Google Developer Console image:images/google-developer-console.png[] Click the `Create Project` button. Use any value for `Project name` and `Project ID` you want, then click the `Create` button. Wait for the project to be created (this may take a while). Once created you will be brought to the project's dashboard. .Dashboard image:images/google-dashboard.png[] Then navigate to the `APIs & Services` section in the Google Developer Console. On that screen, navigate to `Credentials` administration. When users log into Google from {project_name} they will see a consent screen from Google which will ask the user if {project_name} is allowed to view information about their user profile. Thus Google requires some basic information about the product before creating any secrets for it. For a new project, you have first to configure `OAuth consent screen`. For the very basic setup, filling in the Application name is sufficient. You can also set additional details like scopes for Google APIs in this page. .Fill in OAuth consent screen details image:images/google-oauth-consent-screen.png[] The next step is to create OAuth client ID and client secret. Back in `Credentials` administration, navigate to `Credentials` tab and select `OAuth client ID` under the `Create credentials` button. .Create credentials image:images/google-create-credentials.png[] You will then be brought to the `Create OAuth client ID` page. Select `Web application` as the application type. Specify the name you want for your client. You'll also need to copy and paste the `Redirect URI` from the {project_name} `Add Identity Provider` page into the `Authorized redirect URIs` field. After you do this, click the `Create` button. .Create OAuth client ID image:images/google-create-oauth-id.png[] After you click `Create` you will be brought to the `Credentials` page. Click on your new OAuth 2.0 Client ID to view the settings of your new Google Client. .Google Client Credentials image:images/google-client-credentials.png[] You will need to obtain the client ID and secret from this page so you can enter them into the {project_name} `Add identity provider` page. Go back to {project_name} and specify those items. One config option to note on the `Add identity provider` page for Google is the `Default Scopes` field. This field allows you to manually specify the scopes that users must authorize when authenticating with this provider. For a complete list of scopes, please take a look at https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground/ . By default, {project_name} uses the following scopes: `openid` `profile` `email`. If your organization uses the G Suite and you want to restrict access to only members of your organization, you must enter the domain that is used for the G Suite into the `Hosted Domain` field to enable it.