[id="registering-app_{context}"] = Registering the {appserver_name} application You can now define and register the client in the {project_name} admin console. .Prerequisites * You installed a client adapter to work with {appserver_name}. .Procedure . Log in to the admin console with your admin account: http://localhost:8180/auth/admin/ . In the top left drop-down list, select the `Demo` realm. . Click `Clients` in the left side menu to open the Clients page. + .Clients image:images/clients.png[Clients] . On the right side, click *Create*. . On the Add Client dialog, create a client called *vanilla* by completing the fields as shown below: + .Add Client image:images/add-client.png[Add Client] . Click *Save*. . On the *Vanilla* client page that appears, click the *Installation* tab. . Select *Keycloak OIDC JSON* to generate a file that you need in a later procedure. + .Keycloak.json file image:images/keycloak-json.png[Keycloak.json file] . Click *Download* to save *Keycloak.json* in a location that you can find later. . Select *Keycloak OIDC JBoss Subsystem XML* to generate an XML template. + .Template XML image:images/client-install-selected.png[Template XML] . Click *Download* to save a copy for use in the next procedure, which involves {appserver_name} configuration.