[id="modifying-app_{context}"] = Modifying the {appserver_name} instance The {appserver_name} servlet application requires additional configuration before it is secured by {project_name}. .Prerequisites * You created a client named *vanilla* in the *demo* realm. * You saved a template XML file for this client. .Procedure . Go to the `standalone/configuration` directory in your {appserver_name} root directory. . Open the `standalone.xml` file and search for the following text: + [source,xml] ---- ---- . Change the XML entry from self-closing to using a pair of opening and closing tags as shown here: + [source,xml] ---- ---- . Paste the contents of the XML template within the `` element, as shown in this example: + [source,xml] ---- demo http://localhost:8180/auth true EXTERNAL vanilla ---- . Change `WAR MODULE NAME.war` to `vanilla.war`: + [source,xml] ---- ... ---- . Reboot the application server.