Keycloak provides theme support for login forms and account management. This allows customizing the look
and feel of end-user facing pages so they can be integrated with your brand and applications.
Configure theme
To configure the theme used by a realm open the Keycloak Admin Console, select your realm
from the drop-down box in the top left corner. In the Optional Settings use the drop-down
boxes for Login Theme and Account Theme to select the theme used
by login forms and account management pages.
Creating a theme
There are two types of themes in Keycloak, login and account. Login themes are used to customize the
login forms, while account themes are used to customize account management. A theme consists of:
FreeMarker templates
Message bundles
Theme properties
A theme can extend another theme. When extending a theme you can override individual files (templates, stylesheets, etc.).
The recommended way to create a theme is to extend the base theme. The base theme provides templates
and a default message bundle. It should be possible to achieve the customization required by styling these
To create a new theme, create a folder in .../standalone/configuration/themes/login or
.../standalone/configuration/themes/account. The name of the folder is the name of the theme.
Then create a file inside the theme folder. The contents of the file should be:
You have now created your theme. Check that it works by configuring it for a realm. It should look the same
as the base theme as you've not added anything to it yet. The next sections will describe how to modify
the theme.
A theme can have one or more stylesheets, to add a stylesheet create a file inside resources/css (for example resources/css/styles.css)
inside your theme folder. Then registering it in by adding:
The styles property supports a space separated list so you can add as many
as you want. For example:
styles=css/styles.css css/more-styles.css
A theme can have one or more scripts, to add a script create a file inside resources/js (for example resources/js/script.js)
inside your theme folder. Then registering it in by adding:
The scripts property supports a space separated list so you can add as many
as you want. For example:
scripts=js/script.js js/more-script.js
To make images available to the theme add them to resources/img. They can then be used
through stylesheets. For example:
body {
background-image: url('../img/image.jpg');
Or in templates, for example:
<img src="${url.resourcesPath}/img/image.jpg">
Text in the templates are loaded from message bundles. Currently internationalization isn't supported,
but that will be added in a later release. A theme that extends another theme will inherit all messages
from the parents message bundle, but can override individual messages. For example to replace
Username on the login form with Your Username create the file
messages/ inside your theme folder and add the following content:
username=Your Username
For advanced use-cases where you need to modify the html structure it is also possible to override
one or more of the templates. For example to override the login page create login.ftl
inside your theme folder. The base templates all use template.ftl to create the
basic structure of the page.
The base templates are a good reference if you need to create your own templates, they can be
found inside forms/common-themes/src/main/resources/theme on GitHub or in the source
For full control of login forms and account management Keycloak provides a number of SPIs.
Theme SPI
The Theme SPI allows creating different mechanisms to providing themes for the default FreeMarker based
implementations of login forms and account management. To create a theme provider you will need to implement
org.keycloak.freemarker.ThemeProvider and org.keycloak.freemarker.Theme in
Keycloak comes with two theme providers, one that loads themes from the classpath (used by default themes)
and another that loads themes from a folder (used by custom themes). Looking at these
would be a good place to start to create your own theme provider. You can find them inside
forms/common-themes on GitHub or the source download.
Account SPI
The Account SPI allows implementing the account management pages using whatever web framework or templating
engine you want. To create an Account provider implement org.keycloak.account.AccountProvider
and org.keycloak.account.Account in forms/account-api.
Keycloaks default account management provider is built on the FreeMarker template engine (forms/account-freemarker).
To make sure your provider is loaded you will either need to delete standalone/deployments/auth-server.war/WEB-INF/lib/keycloak-account-freemarker-1.0-alpha-1.jar
or disable it with the system property org.keycloak.account.freemarker.FreeMarkerAccountProvider.
Login SPI
The Login SPI allows implementing the login forms using whatever web framework or templating
engine you want. To create a Login forms provider implement org.keycloak.login.LoginFormsProvider
and org.keycloak.login.LoginForms in forms/login-api.
Keycloaks default login forms provider is built on the FreeMarker template engine (forms/login-freemarker).
To make sure your provider is loaded you will either need to delete standalone/deployments/auth-server.war/WEB-INF/lib/keycloak-login-freemarker-1.0-alpha-1.jar
or disable it with the system property org.keycloak.login.freemarker.FreeMarkerLoginFormsProvider.