== Server Initialization After performing all the installation and configuration tasks defined in the link:{{book.installguide.link}}[{{book.installguide.name}}], you will need to create an initial admin account. {{book.project.name}} does not have any configured admin account out of the box. This account will allow you to create an admin that can log into the _master_ realm's administration console so that you can start creating realms, users and registering applications to be secured by {{book.project.name}}. If your server is accessible from `localhost`, you can boot it up and create this admin user by going to the http://localhost:8080/auth URL. .Welcome Page image:../../{{book.images}}/initial-welcome-page.png[] Simply specify the username and password you want for this initial admin. If you cannot access the server via a `localhost` address, or just want to provision {{book.project.name}} from the command line you can do this with the `.../bin/add-user-keycloak` script. .add-user-keycloak script image:../../{{book.images}}/add-user-script.png[] The parameters are a little different depending if you are using the standalone operation mode or domain operation mode. For standalone mode, here is how you use the script. .Linux/Unix [source] ---- $ .../bin/add-user-keycloak.sh -r master -u -p ---- .Windows [source] ---- > ...\bin\add-user-keycloak.bat -r master -u -p ---- For domain mode, you have to point the script to one of your server hosts using the `-sc` switch. .Linux/Unix [source] ---- $ .../bin/add-user-keycloak.sh --sc domain/servers/server-one/configuration -r master -u -p ---- .Windows [source] ---- > ...\bin\add-user-keycloak.bat --sc domain/servers/server-one/configuration -r master -u -p ----