// UserStory: As an RH SSO customer, I want to perform a quick setup of SSO. // This assembly is included in the following assemblies: // // // Retains the context of the parent assembly if this assembly is nested within another assembly. // See also the complementary step on the last line of this file. ifdef::context[:parent-context: {context}] [id="installing-standalone_{context}"] == Installing a sample instance of {project_name} This section describes how to install and start a {project_name} server in standalone mode, set up the initial admin user, and log in to the {project_name} Admin Console. ifeval::[{project_product}==true] .Additional Resources This installation is intended for practice use of {project_name}. For instructions on installation in a production environment and full details on all product features, see the other guides in the link:http://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_single_sign-on/{project_versionDoc}/[{project_name}] documentation. endif::[] ifeval::[{project_community}==true] include::standalone/proc-installing-server-community.adoc[leveloffset=2] endif::[] ifeval::[{project_product}==true] include::standalone/proc-installing-server-product.adoc[leveloffset=2] endif::[] include::standalone/proc-starting-server.adoc[leveloffset=2] include::standalone/proc-creating-admin.adoc[leveloffset=2] include::standalone/proc-logging-in-admin-console.adoc[leveloffset=2] // Restore the context to what it was before this assembly. ifdef::parent-context[:context: {parent-context}] ifndef::parent-context[:!context:]