# Checklist for merging PRs Before merging a PR the PR should follow these rules: * The PR does not have the label "hold" * There is an associated GitHub Issue linked to the PR * A GitHub Issue is not required if the PR is not introducing a new feature or enhancement to Keycloak, or is resolving a bug where released versions of Keycloak are not affected * There is sufficient test coverage * Required documentation is included in the PR or an associated PR. Including updates to release notes and upgrade guide if applicable * There are no unresolved negative reviews, or unresolved comments * The PR does not contain changes not relevant to the GitHub Issue * PRs has been reviewed by the relevant team, and approved by either a global maintainer or a team maintainer * All required status checks have passed successfully * If the PR is affected by unstable workflows or tests verify the issues are not introduced by the PR Merging a PR: * In most cases a PR should be merged by a team maintainer in the affected area * Global maintainers can merge any PRs, but this is considered a fallback * If a PR affects multiple areas it can be merged by any of the affected team maintainers as long as someone from each affected team has completed a review.