- In order to make lastName/firstName/email/username field
configurable in profile
we need to store it as an attribute
- Keep database as is for now (no impact on performance, schema)
- Keep field names and getters and setters (no impact on FTL files)
Fix tests with logic changes
- PolicyEvaluationTest: We need to take new user attributes into account
- UserTest: We need to take into account new user attributes
Potential impact on users:
- When subclassing UserModel, consistency issues may occur since one can
now set e.g. username via setSingleAttribute also
- When using PolicyEvaluations, the number of attributes has changed
- Store in config map in database and model
- Expose the field in the OIDC-IDP
- Write logic for import, force and legacy mode
- Show how mappers can be updated keeping correct legacy mode
- Show how mappers that work correctly don't have to be modified
- Log an error if sync mode is not supported
Fix updateBrokeredUser method for all mappers
- Allow updating of username (UsernameTemplateMapper)
- Delete UserAttributeStatementMapper: mapper isn't even registered
Was actually rejected but never cleaned up: https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/pull/4513
The mapper won't work as specified and it's not easy to tests here
- Fixup json mapper
- Fix ExternalKeycloakRoleToRoleMapper:
Bug: delete cannot work - just delete it. Don't fix it in legacy mode
Rework mapper tests
- Fix old tests for Identity Broker:
Old tests did not work at all:
They tested that if you take a realm and assign the role,
this role is then assigned to the user in that realm,
which has nothing to do with identity brokering
Simplify logic in OidcClaimToRoleMapperTests
- Add SyncMode tests to most mappers
Added tests for UsernameTemplateMapper
Added tests to all RoleMappers
Add test for json attribute mapper (Github as example)
- Extract common test setup(s)
- Extend admin console tests for sync mode
Signed-off-by: Martin Idel <external.Martin.Idel@bosch.io>
* KEYCLOAK-12469 KEYCLOAK-12185 Add CredentialTypeMetadata. Implement the screen with authentication mechanisms and implement Account REST Credentials API by use the credential type metadata
- Adds the elytron-cs-keystore provider that reads secrets from a keystore-backed elytron credential store
- Introduces an abstract provider and factory that unifies code that is common to the existing implementations
- Introduces a VaultKeyResolver interface to allow the creation of different algorithms to combine the realm
and key names when constructing the vault entry id
- Introduces a keyResolvers property to the existing implementation via superclass that allows for the
configuration of one or more VaultKeyResolvers, creating a fallback mechanism in which different key formats
are tried in the order they were declared when retrieving a secret from the vault
- Adds more tests for the files-plaintext provider using the new key resolvers
- Adds a VaultTestExecutionDecider to skip the elytron-cs-keystore tests when running in Undertow. This is
needed because the new provider is available only as a Wildfly extension