* Updated Invalid URLs
The docker-compose.yaml file generated creates an invalid url for REGISTRY_AUTH_TOKEN_REALM and REGISTRY_AUTH_TOKEN_ISSUER. Fixed
* KEYCLOAK-14072 JIRA#14072
Test coverage fix for the the JIRA#14072
- Adds the elytron-cs-keystore provider that reads secrets from a keystore-backed elytron credential store
- Introduces an abstract provider and factory that unifies code that is common to the existing implementations
- Introduces a VaultKeyResolver interface to allow the creation of different algorithms to combine the realm
and key names when constructing the vault entry id
- Introduces a keyResolvers property to the existing implementation via superclass that allows for the
configuration of one or more VaultKeyResolvers, creating a fallback mechanism in which different key formats
are tried in the order they were declared when retrieving a secret from the vault
- Adds more tests for the files-plaintext provider using the new key resolvers
- Adds a VaultTestExecutionDecider to skip the elytron-cs-keystore tests when running in Undertow. This is
needed because the new provider is available only as a Wildfly extension
- automatically parses ${vault.<KEY>} expressions to obtain the key that contains the secret in the vault.
- enchances the capabilities of the VaultProvider by offering methods to convert the raw secrets into other types.
Allows to use the full PEM encoded X.509 certificate from client cert
authentication as a user identity. Also allows to validate that user's
identity against LDAP in PEM (String and binary format). In addition,
a new custom attribute mapper allows to validate against LDAP when
certificate is stored in DER format (binay, Octet-String).
KEYCLOAK-10158 Allow lookup of certs in binary adn DER format from LDAP
We now provide a configurable way for dynamic proxy route selection
for the default HttpClient based on regex based targetHostname patterns.
Introduced `ProxyMapping` to describe a regex based mapping
between target hosts and the proxy URL to use.
A `ProxyMapping` can be build from an ordered list of string based
mapping representations, e.g:
If the targetHost does not match a configured proxy mapping,
no proxy is used.
This can be configured via standalone.xml / jboss-cli, e.g.:
echo SETUP: Configure proxy routes for HttpClient SPI
The new `ProxyMappingWareRoutePlanner` uses a configured `ProxyMapping`
to decide which proxy to use for a given request based on the target host
denoted by the HTTP request to execute.
I verified this manually with the BurpProxy Suite.