- Adds the elytron-cs-keystore provider that reads secrets from a keystore-backed elytron credential store
- Introduces an abstract provider and factory that unifies code that is common to the existing implementations
- Introduces a VaultKeyResolver interface to allow the creation of different algorithms to combine the realm
and key names when constructing the vault entry id
- Introduces a keyResolvers property to the existing implementation via superclass that allows for the
configuration of one or more VaultKeyResolvers, creating a fallback mechanism in which different key formats
are tried in the order they were declared when retrieving a secret from the vault
- Adds more tests for the files-plaintext provider using the new key resolvers
- Adds a VaultTestExecutionDecider to skip the elytron-cs-keystore tests when running in Undertow. This is
needed because the new provider is available only as a Wildfly extension
- automatically parses ${vault.<KEY>} expressions to obtain the key that contains the secret in the vault.
- enchances the capabilities of the VaultProvider by offering methods to convert the raw secrets into other types.