KEYCLOAK-5971 Replace "numOfIterations" parameter with "steadyLoadPeriod"

This commit is contained in:
Tomas Kyjovsky 2017-11-09 23:57:00 +01:00 committed by Hynek Mlnařík
parent b8da95e901
commit 5fd00a0def
4 changed files with 89 additions and 55 deletions

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@ -98,41 +98,68 @@ Dataset properties are loaded from `datasets/${dataset}.properties` file. Indivi
Dataset data is first generated as a .json file, and then imported into Keycloak via Admin Client REST API.
#### Dataset Properties
| Property | Description | Value in the Default Dataset |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `numOfRealms` | Number of realms to be created. | `1` |
| `usersPerRealm` | Number of users per realm. | `100` |
| `clientsPerRealm` | Number of clients per realm. | `2` |
| `realmRoles` | Number of realm-roles per realm. | `2` |
| `realmRolesPerUser` | Number of realm-roles assigned to a created user. Has to be less than or equal to `realmRoles`. | `2` |
| `clientRolesPerUser` | Number of client-roles assigned to a created user. Has to be less than or equal to `clientsPerRealm * clientRolesPerClient`. | `2` |
| `clientRolesPerClient` | Number of client-roles per created client. | `2` |
| `hashIterations` | Number of password hashing iterations. | `27500` |
#### Examples:
- `mvn verify -Pgenerate-data` - generate default dataset
- `mvn verify -Pgenerate-data -DusersPerRealm=5` - generate default dataset, override the `usersPerRealm` property
- `mvn verify -Pgenerate-data -Ddataset=100u` - generate `100u` dataset
- `mvn verify -Pgenerate-data -Ddataset=100r/default` - generate dataset based on `datasets/100r/`
The data can also be exported from the database, and stored locally as `datasets/${dataset}.sql.gz`
`DATASET=100u ./`
#### Export / Import Database Dump
To speed up dataset initialization part, it is possible to pass `-Dexport-dump` option to have the generated dataset
exported right after it has been generated. Then, if there is a data dump file available then `-Pimport-dump`
can be used to import the data directly into the database, bypassing Keycloak server completely.
Usage: `mvn verify -Pimport-dump [-Ddataset=DATASET]`
**Usage:** `mvn verify -Pimport-dump [-Ddataset=DATASET]`
#### Example:
- `mvn verify -Pimport-dump -Ddataset=100u` - import `datasets/100u.sql.gz` dump file created using ``.
**For example:**
- `mvn verify -Pgenerate-data -Ddataset=100u -Dexport-dump` will generate data based on `datasets/` and export a database dump to a file: `datasets/100u.sql.gz`.
- `mvn verify -Pimport-dump -Ddataset=100u` will import the database dump from a file: `datasets/100u.sql.gz`, and reboot the server(s)
### Run Tests
Usage: `mvn verify -Ptest [-DrunUsers=N] [-DrampUpPeriod=SECONDS] [-DnumOfIterations=N] [-Ddataset=DATASET] [-D<>=<value>]* [-D<>=<value>]* `.
Usage: `mvn verify -Ptest[,cluster] [-DtestParameter=value]`.
_*Note:* The same dataset properties which were used for data generation/import should be supplied to the `test` phase._
#### Common Parameters
The default test `keycloak.DefaultSimulation` takes the following additional properties:
| Parameter | Description | Default Value |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `gatling.simulationClass` | Classname of the simulation to be run. | `keycloak.DefaultSimulation` |
| `dataset` | Name of the dataset to use. (Individual dataset properties can be overridden with ``.) | `default` |
| `runUsers` | Number of users for the simulation run. | `1` |
| `rampUpPeriod` | Period during which the users will be ramped up. (seconds) | `0` |
| `steadyLoadPeriod` | A period of steady load. (seconds) | `30` |
| `rampDownASAP` | When `true` the test will be checking for ramp-down condition after each *scenario step*. When `false` the check will be done only at the end of a *scenario iteration*. | `false` |
| `pace` | A dynamic pause after each *scenario iteration*. For example if the pace is 30s and one scenario iteration takes only 20s, the simulation will wait additional 10s before continuing to the next iteration. | `0` |
| `userThinkTime` | Pause between individual scenario steps. | `5` |
| `refreshTokenPeriod`| Period after which token should be refreshed. | `10` |
`[-DuserThinkTime=SECONDS] [-DbadLoginAttempts=N] [-DrefreshTokenCount=N] [-DrefreshTokenPeriod=SECONDS]`
#### Addtional Parameters of `keycloak.DefaultSimulation`
| Parameter | Description | Default Value |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `badLoginAttempts` | | `0` |
| `refreshTokenCount` | | `0` |
If you want to run a different test you need to specify the test class name using `[-Dgatling.simulationClass=CLASSNAME]`.
For example:
`mvn verify -Ptest -DrunUsers=1 -DnumOfIterations=10 -DuserThinkTime=0 -Ddataset=100u -DrefreshTokenPeriod=10 -Dgatling.simulationClass=keycloak.AdminSimulation`
`mvn verify -Ptest -Dgatling.simulationClass=keycloak.AdminSimulation -Ddataset=100u -DrunUsers=1 -DsteadyLoadPeriod=30 -DuserThinkTime=0 -DrefreshTokenPeriod=15`
## Monitoring

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@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
@ -40,7 +41,6 @@ public class TestConfig {
public static final String authPassword = System.getProperty("authPassword", "admin");
public static final String authClient = System.getProperty("authClient", "admin-cli");
// Settings used by RealmsConfigurationBuilder to generate the dataset and by tests to work within constraints of the dataset
@ -52,24 +52,27 @@ public class TestConfig {
public static final int clientRolesPerUser = Integer.getInteger("clientRolesPerUser", 2);
public static final int clientRolesPerClient = Integer.getInteger("clientRolesPerClient", 2);
// Settings used by tests to control common test parameters
public static final int runUsers = Integer.getInteger("runUsers", 1);
public static final int rampUpPeriod = Integer.getInteger("rampUpPeriod", 0);
public static final int steadyLoadPeriod = Integer.getInteger("steadyLoadPeriod", 30);
public static final boolean rampDownASAP = Boolean.getBoolean("rampDownASAP"); // check for rampdown condition after each scenario step
public static final int pace = Integer.getInteger("pace", 0); // additional dynamic "pause buffer" between scenario loops
public static final int userThinkTime = Integer.getInteger("userThinkTime", 5);
public static final int refreshTokenPeriod = Integer.getInteger("refreshTokenPeriod", 10);
// Computed timestamps
public static final long simulationStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();//new Date().getTime();
public static final long rampDownPeriodStartTime = simulationStartTime + (rampUpPeriod + steadyLoadPeriod) * 1000;
// Settings used by DefaultSimulation to control behavior specific to DefaultSimulation
public static final int numOfIterations = Integer.getInteger("numOfIterations", 1);
public static final int badLoginAttempts = Integer.getInteger("badLoginAttempts", 0);
public static final int refreshTokenCount = Integer.getInteger("refreshTokenCount", 0);
public static final String serverUris;
public static final List<String> serverUrisList;
@ -97,7 +100,6 @@ public class TestConfig {
// Clients iterators by realm
private static final ConcurrentMap<String, Iterator<ClientInfo>> clientsIteratorMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public static Iterator<UserInfo> getUsersIterator(String realm) {
return usersIteratorMap.computeIfAbsent(realm, (k) -> randomUsersIterator(realm));
@ -111,6 +113,19 @@ public class TestConfig {
return new FilteredIterator<>(clientsIt, (v) -> RealmsConfigurationBuilder.isClientConfidential(v.index));
public static String toStringCommonTestParameters() {
return String.format(
" runUsers: %s\n" +
" rampUpPeriod: %s\n"+
" steadyLoadPeriod: %s\n"+
" rampDownASAP: %s\n"+
" pace: %s\n"+
" userThinkTime: %s\n"+
" refreshTokenPeriod: %s",
runUsers, rampUpPeriod, steadyLoadPeriod, rampDownASAP, pace, userThinkTime, refreshTokenPeriod
public static String toStringDatasetProperties() {
return String.format(" numOfRealms: %s\n usersPerRealm: %s\n clientsPerRealm: %s\n realmRoles: %s\n realmRolesPerUser: %s\n clientRolesPerUser: %s\n clientRolesPerClient: %s\n hashIterations: %s",
numOfRealms, usersPerRealm, clientsPerRealm, realmRoles, realmRolesPerUser, clientRolesPerUser, clientRolesPerClient, hashIterations);
@ -200,4 +215,5 @@ public class TestConfig {
throw new RuntimeException("Can't have more clientRolesPerUser than there are all client roles (clientsPerRealm * clientRolesPerClient)");

View file

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package keycloak
import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import io.gatling.core.validation.Validation
import io.gatling.http.Predef._
import org.jboss.perf.util.Util
import org.keycloak.performance.TestConfig
@ -16,14 +17,7 @@ class AdminConsoleSimulation extends Simulation {
println("Target server: " + TestConfig.serverUrisList.get(0))
println("Using test parameters:")
println(" runUsers: " + TestConfig.runUsers)
println(" numOfIterations: " + TestConfig.numOfIterations)
println(" rampUpPeriod: " + TestConfig.rampUpPeriod)
println(" userThinkTime: " + TestConfig.userThinkTime)
//println(" badLoginAttempts: " + TestConfig.badLoginAttempts)
//println(" refreshTokenCount: " + TestConfig.refreshTokenCount)
//println(" refreshTokenPeriod: " + TestConfig.refreshTokenPeriod)
println("Using test parameters:\n" + TestConfig.toStringCommonTestParameters);
println("Using dataset properties:\n" + TestConfig.toStringDatasetProperties)
@ -110,16 +104,18 @@ class AdminConsoleSimulation extends Simulation {
val adminScenario = scenario("AdminConsole")
.repeat(TestConfig.numOfIterations) {
.asLongAs(s => rampDownPeriodNotReached(), null, TestConfig.rampDownASAP) {
.inject(rampUsers(TestConfig.runUsers) over TestConfig.rampUpPeriod)
if (TestConfig.rampUpPeriod > 0) {
rampUsers(TestConfig.runUsers) over TestConfig.rampUpPeriod
} else {
def rampDownPeriodNotReached(): Validation[Boolean] = {
System.currentTimeMillis < TestConfig.rampDownPeriodStartTime

View file

@ -26,16 +26,12 @@ class DefaultSimulation extends Simulation {
println("Taget servers: " + TestConfig.serverUrisList)
println("Target servers: " + TestConfig.serverUrisList)
println("Using test parameters:")
println(" runUsers: " + TestConfig.runUsers)
println(" numOfIterations: " + TestConfig.numOfIterations)
println(" rampUpPeriod: " + TestConfig.rampUpPeriod)
println(" userThinkTime: " + TestConfig.userThinkTime)
println(" badLoginAttempts: " + TestConfig.badLoginAttempts)
println("Using test parameters:\n" + TestConfig.toStringCommonTestParameters);
println(" refreshTokenCount: " + TestConfig.refreshTokenCount)
println(" refreshTokenPeriod: " + TestConfig.refreshTokenPeriod)
println(" badLoginAttempts: " + TestConfig.badLoginAttempts)
println("Using dataset properties:\n" + TestConfig.toStringDatasetProperties)
@ -137,20 +133,14 @@ class DefaultSimulation extends Simulation {
.check(, header("Location").is("${appUrl}")))
val usersScenario = scenario("users")
.repeat(TestConfig.numOfIterations) {
.asLongAs(s => rampDownPeriodNotReached(), null, TestConfig.rampDownASAP) {
setUp(usersScenario.inject( {
if (TestConfig.rampUpPeriod > 0) {
rampUsers(TestConfig.runUsers) over TestConfig.rampUpPeriod
} else {
.inject(rampUsers(TestConfig.runUsers) over TestConfig.rampUpPeriod)
// Function definitions
@ -163,4 +153,9 @@ class DefaultSimulation extends Simulation {
missCounter.getAndDecrement() > 0
def rampDownPeriodNotReached(): Validation[Boolean] = {
System.currentTimeMillis < TestConfig.rampDownPeriodStartTime