diff --git a/docbook/reference/en/en-US/modules/server-installation.xml b/docbook/reference/en/en-US/modules/server-installation.xml
index 70f14f4f23..1e7b9f4281 100755
--- a/docbook/reference/en/en-US/modules/server-installation.xml
+++ b/docbook/reference/en/en-US/modules/server-installation.xml
@@ -37,8 +37,10 @@ keycloak-appliance-dist-all-1.0-beta-1-SNAPSHOT/
- auth-server.war/
+ auth-server.war/
+ standalone/configuration/
+ keycloak-server.json
+ themes/
@@ -81,6 +83,9 @@ keycloak-war-dist-all-1.0-beta-1-SNAPSHOT/
+ configuration/
+ keycloak-server.json
+ themes/
@@ -90,8 +95,9 @@ keycloak-war-dist-all-1.0-beta-1-SNAPSHOT/
- After unzipping this file, copy the deployments/ directory into to the standalone/
- of your JBoss or Wildfly distro.
+ After unzipping this file, copy everything in deployments directory into the
+ standalone/deployments of your JBoss or Wildfly distro. Also, copy everything in
+ configuration directory into the standalone/configuration directory.
@@ -101,11 +107,8 @@ keycloak-war-dist-all-1.0-beta-1-SNAPSHOT/
After booting up the JBoss or Wildfly distro, you can then make sure it is installed properly
- by logging into the admin console at
- http://localhost:8080/auth/rest/admin/login.
- Username: admin
- Password: admin. Keycloak will then prompt you to
+ by logging into the admin console athttp://localhost:8080/auth/admin.
+ Username: admin, Password: admin. Keycloak will then prompt you to
enter in a new password.
@@ -248,20 +251,53 @@ keycloak-war-dist-all-1.0-beta-1-SNAPSHOT/
MongoDB based model
Keycloak provides MongoDB based model implementation, which means that your identity data will be saved
- in MongoDB instead of traditional RDBMS. To setup it, you need to add few system properties when running Keycloak.
- First you need to specify that you want to use mongo instead of default jpa model, and you may also specify
- host, port and name of mongo database. So you can start keycloak with the command like this:
+ in MongoDB instead of traditional RDBMS. To configure Keycloak to use Mongo open standalone/configuration/keycloak-server.json
+ in your favourite editor, then change:
- Note that when you install MongoDB on your laptop, it's usually on localhost/270717 by default. That's why properties
- keycloak.model.mongo.host and keycloak.model.mongo.port are not mandatory, but they already have
- default values localhost and 27017 . Similarly property keycloak.model.mongo.db
- has default value keycloak for name of underlying database. So the example above could be simplified like:
+ "port": ,
+ "user": "",
+ "password": "",
+ "db": ""
+ }
+"model": {
+ "provider": "mongo",
+ "mongo": {
+ "host": "",
+ "port": ,
+ "user": "",
+ "password": "",
+ "db": ""
+ }
+ All configuration options are optional. Default values for host and port are localhost and 27017. If
+ user and password are not specified Keycloak will connect unauthenticated to your MongoDB. Finally, default
+ values for db are keycloak for the model, and keycloak-audit for audit.
If you switch to Mongo model, it could be a good idea to remove RDBMS related stuff from your distribution to reduce startup time and memory footprint.
To do it, you need to:
@@ -270,6 +306,7 @@ keycloak-war-dist-all-1.0-beta-1-SNAPSHOT/
AS7/EAP6.x Logging
@@ -278,7 +315,6 @@ keycloak-war-dist-all-1.0-beta-1-SNAPSHOT/
WARN [org.jboss.resteasy.core.ResourceLocator] (http-/
Field providers of subresource xxx will not be injected according to spec