We are also working on other layers of cache which should give a much better experience. See https://issues.redhat.com/browse/KEYCLOAK-7952[KEYCLOAK-7952].
= Choosing the response mode when obtaining permissions from the server
In previous versions, permissions were always returned from the server using standard OAuth2 response, containing the access and refresh tokens. In this release,
clients can use a `response_mode` parameter to specify how the server should respond to an authorization request. This parameter accepts two values:
* `decision`
Indicating that responses should only contain a flag indicating whether or not permissions were granted by the server. Otherwise a `403` HTTP status code is returned.
* `permissions`
Indicating that a response should contain every single permission granted by the server using a JSON format.
= NodeJS Policy Enforcer
The https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak-nodejs-connect[keycloak-nodejs-connect], an adapter for NodeJS, now supports constructs to protect
resources based on decisions taken from the server. The new construct allows users to protect their resources using fine-grained permissions as follows:
app.get('/protected/resource', keycloak.enforcer('resource:view'), function (req, res) {