`EXISTS` or `NOT_EXISTS`. See JavaDoc of Keycloak 21 for more details.
= FIPS 140-2 preview support
FIPS 140-2 support in Keycloak, which was experimental in the previous release, is now promoted to preview. There were many fixes and improvements to create this preview version.
To enhance security, the https://quay.io/repository/keycloak/keycloak?tab=info[Keycloak Container Image] has been modified in two ways: First, it is now based on UBI9, rather than UBI8. Second, we have switched to `+-micro+`, whereas `+-minimal+` was used before.
The change to UBI9 will not have any impact on most users. In rare cases the glibc error https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/issues/17290[CPU does not support x86-64-v2] may appear. `+x86-64-v2+` has been available from processors since 2009. You're most likely to encounter this issue when your virtualization environment is misconfigured.
The change from `+-minimal+` to `+-micro+` has more potential impact. Users making simple customizations to the image won't notice any difference, however any user that installs RPMs will need to change how they do that. The https://www.keycloak.org/server/containers[container guide] has been updated to show you how.
As a result of these changes, there has been an 82% reduction in known CVEs affecting the Keycloak Container Image!