When writing rule-based policies using JavaScript or JBoss Drools, {{book.project.name}} provides an *Evaluation API* which provides useful information to help decide whether a permission should be granted or not.
When processing an authorization request, {{book.project.name}} creates an `Evaluation` instance before evaluating any policy. This instance is then passed to each policy in order to obtain
a decision, which would be a *GRANT* or a *DENY*.
Policies take their decisions by invoking the `grant()` or `deny()` methods on an `Evaluation` instance. By default, the state of the `Evaluation` instance is denied, which means that your policies
need to explicitly invoke the `grant()` method if they want to tell the policy evaluation engine that the permission should be granted.
The `Identity` is built based on the OAuth2 Access Token that was sent along with the authorization request, and this construct has access to all claims
extracted from the original token. For instance, if you are using a _Protocol Mapper_ to include a custom claim in a OAuth2 Access Token you can also access this claim
from a policy and use it to build your conditions.
The `EvaluationContext` also gives you access to attributes related to both the execution and runtime environments. For now, there only a few built-in attributes.