{{book.project.name}} comes with a client-side JavaScript library that can be used to secure HTML5/JavaScript applications. The JavaScript adapter has built-in
One important thing to note about using client-side applications is that the client has to be a public client as there is no secure way to store client
credentials in a client-side application. This makes it very important to make sure the redirect URIs you have configured for the client are correct and as
To use the JavaScript adapter you must first create a client for your application in the {{book.project.name}} Administration Console. Make sure `public`
is selected for `Access Type`.
You also need to configure valid redirect URIs and valid web origins. Be as specific as possible as failing to do so may results in a security vulnerability.
Once the client is created click on the `Installation` tab select `Keycloak OIDC JSON` for `Format Option` then click on `Download`. The downloaded
`keycloak.json` file should be hosted on your web server at the same location as your HTML pages.
Alternatively, you can skip the configuration file and manually configure the adapter.
The following example shows how to initialize the JavaScript adapter:
By default to authenticate you need to call the `login` function. However, there are two options available to make the adapter automatically authenticate. You
can pass `login-required` or `check-sso` to the init function. `login-required` will authenticate the client if the user is logged-in to {{book.project.name}}
or display the login page if not. `check-sso` will only authenticate the client if the user is already logged-in, if the user is not logged-in the browser will be
redirected back to the application and remain unauthenticated.
To enable `login-required` set `onLoad` to `login-required` and pass to the init method:
After the user is authenticated the application can make requests to RESTful services secured by {{book.project.name}} by including the bearer token in the
One thing to keep in mind is that the access token by default has a short life expiration so you may need to refresh the access token prior to sending the
request. You can do this by the `updateToken` method. The `updateToken` method returns a promise object which makes it easy to invoke the service only if the
token was successfully refreshed and for example display an error to the user if it wasn't. For example:
By default, the JavaScript adapter creates a hidden iframe that is used to detect if a Single-Sign Out has occurred.
This does not require any network traffic, instead the status is retrieved by looking at a special status cookie.
This feature can be disabled by setting `checkLoginIframe: false` in the options passed to the `init` method.
You should not rely on looking at this cookie directly. It's format can change and it's also associated with the URL of the {{book.project.name}} server, not
By default, the JavaScript adapter uses the http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#CodeFlowAuth[Authorization Code] flow.
With this flow the {{book.project.name}} server returns a authorization code, not a authentication token, to the application. The JavaScript adapter exchanges
the `code` for an access token and a refresh token after the browser is redirected back to the application.
{{book.project.name}} also supports the http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#ImplicitFlowAuth[Implicit] flow where an access token
is sent immediately after successful authentication with {{book.project.name}}. This may have better performance than standard flow, as there is no additional
request to exchange the code for tokens, but it has implications when the access token expires.
However, sending the access token in the URL fragment can be a security vulnerability. For example the token could be leaked through web server logs and or
One thing to note is that only an access token is provided and there is no refresh token. This means that once the access token has expired the application
has to do the redirect to the {{book.project.name}} again to obtain a new access token.
Is `true` if the user is authenticated, `false` otherwise.
The base64 encoded token that can be sent in the `Authorization` header in requests to services.
The parsed token as a JavaScript object.
The user id.
The base64 encoded ID token.
The parsed id token as a JavaScript object.
The realm roles associated with the token.
The resource roles assocaited with the token.
The base64 encoded refresh token that can be used to retrieve a new token.
The parsed refresh token as a JavaScript object.
The estimated time difference between the browser time and the {{book.project.name}} server in seconds. This value is just an estimation, but is accurate
enough when determining if a token is expired or not.
Response mode passed in init (default value is fragment).
Flow passed in init.
Response type sent to {{book.project.name}} with login requests. This is determined based on the flow value used during initialization, but can be overridden by setting this value.
* onLoad - Specifies an action to do on load. Supported values are 'login-required' or 'check-sso'.
* token - Set an initial value for the token.
* refreshToken - Set an initial value for the refresh token.
* idToken - Set an initial value for the id token (only together with token or refreshToken).
* timeSkew - Set an initial value for skew between local time and Keycloak server in seconds (only together with token or refreshToken).
* checkLoginIframe - Set to enable/disable monitoring login state (default is true).
* checkLoginIframeInterval - Set the interval to check login state (default is 5 seconds).
* responseMode - Set the OpenID Connect response mode send to Keycloak server at login request. Valid values are query or fragment . Default value is fragment, which means that after successful authentication will Keycloak redirect to javascript application with OpenID Connect parameters added in URL fragment. This is generally safer and recommended over query.
* flow - Set the OpenID Connect flow. Valid values are standard, implicit or hybrid.
* onReady(authenticated) - Called when the adapter is initialized.
* onAuthSuccess - Called when a user is successfully authenticated.
* onAuthError - Called if there was an error during authentication.
* onAuthRefreshSuccess - Called when the token is refreshed.
* onAuthRefreshError - Called if there was an error while trying to refresh the token.
* onAuthLogout - Called if the user is logged out (will only be called if the session status iframe is enabled, or in Cordova mode).
* onTokenExpired - Called when access token expired. When this happens you can for example refresh token, or if refresh not available (ie. with implicit flow) you can redirect to login screen.