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= Changes to the Welcome theme
The 'welcome' theme has has been updated to use a new layout and now uses PatternFly 5, rather than PatternFly 3. If you are extending the theme, or providing your own, you may need to update it as follows:
== Migrate from PatternFly 3 to PatternFly 5
The welcome theme was one of the more outdated themes in Keycloak. It was originally based on PatternFly 3, but has now been updated to use PatternFly 5, skipping a major version in the process. This means that if your custom theme extends the built-in theme you will need to update it to use PatternFly 5 syntax. Consult the[PatternFly 5 documentation] for details.
If you are still using PatternFly 3 in your own custom theme (not extending the built-in one), you can continue to use it, but PatternFly 3 support will be removed in a future release, so you should consider migrating to PatternFly 5 as soon as possible.
== Automatic redirect to the Administration Console
If the Administration Console is enabled, the welcome page will automatically redirect to it if the administrative user already exists. This behavior can be modified by setting the `redirectToAdmin` in your `` file. By default, the property is set to `false`, unless you are extending the built-in theme, in which case, the property is set to `true`.
== The `documentationUrl` and `displayCommunityLinks` properties have been removed.
These properties were previously used for navigational elements that are now no longer present. If you are extending the built-in theme, you will need to remove these properties from your `` file, as they no longer have any effect.
== Assets are now loaded from 'common' resources
Images such as the background, logo and favicon are now loaded from the 'common' resources, rather than the theme resources. This change means that if you are extending the built-in theme, and are overwriting these images, you will need to move them to the 'common' resources of your theme, and update your `` file to include the new paths:
# This defaults to 'common/keycloak' if not set.
= Keycloak JS imports might need to be updated
If you are loading Keycloak JS directly from the Keycloak server, this section can be safely ignored. If you are loading Keycloak JS from the NPM package and are using a bundler like Webpack, Vite, and so on, you might need to make some changes to your code. The Keycloak JS package now uses the[`exports` field] in the package.json file. This means that you might have to change your imports:
// Before
import Keycloak from 'keycloak-js/dist/keycloak.js';
import AuthZ from 'keycloak-js/dist/keycloak-authz.js';
// After
import Keycloak from 'keycloak-js';
import AuthZ from 'keycloak-js/authz';
= Features Changes
It is no longer allowed to have the same feature in both the `--features` and `--features-disabled` list. The feature should appear in only one list.
The usage of unversioned feature names, e.g. `docker`, in the `--features` list will allow for the most supported / latest feature version to be enabled for you.
If you need more predictable behavior across releases, reference the particular version you want instead, e.g. `docker:v1`.
= Truststore Changes
The `spi-truststore-file-*` options and the truststore related options `https-trust-store-*` are deprecated, please use the new default location for truststore material, `conf/truststores`, or specify your desired paths via the `truststore-paths` option. For details refer to the relevant[guide].
The `tls-hostname-verifier` property should be used instead of the `spi-truststore-file-hostname-verification-policy` property.
= Deprecated `--proxy` option
The `--proxy` option has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. The following table explains how the deprecated option maps to supported options.
| Deprecated usage | New usage
|`` (no `proxy` option set)
|` --proxy none`
|` --proxy edge`
|` --proxy-headers forwarded\|xforwarded --http-enabled true`
|` --proxy passthrough`
|` --hostname-port 80\|443` (depending if HTTPS is used)
|` --proxy reencrypt`
|` --proxy-headers forwarded\|xforwarded`
NOTE: For hardened security, the `--proxy-headers` option does not allow selecting both `forwarded` and `xforwarded` values at the same time (as it was
the case before for `--proxy edge` and `--proxy reencrypt`).
= Breaking changes to the User Profile SPI
If you are using the User Profile SPI in your extension, you might be impacted by the API changes introduced in this release.
The `org.keycloak.userprofile.Attributes` interface includes the following changes:
* Method `getValues` was renamed to `get` to make it more aligned with the same operation from a regular Java `Map`
* Method `isRootAttribute` was moved to the utility class `org.keycloak.userprofile.UserProfileUtil.isRootAttribute`
* Method `getFirstValue` was renamed to `getFirst` to make it less verbose
* Method `getReadable(boolean)` was removed and now all attributes (including root attributes) are returned whenever they have read rights.
= Changes to the user representation in both Admin API and Account contexts
Both `org.keycloak.representations.idm.UserRepresentation` and `org.keycloak.representations.account.UserRepresentation` representation classes have changed
so that the root user attributes (such as `username`, `email`, `firstName`, `lastName`, and `locale`) have a consistent representation when fetching or sending
the representation payload to the Admin and Account APIS, respectively.
The `username`, `email`, `firstName`, `lastName`, and `locale` attributes were moved to a new `org.keycloak.representations.idm.AbstractUserRepresentation` base class.
Also the `getAttributes` method is targeted for representing only custom attributes, so you should not expect any root attribute in the map returned by this method. This method is
mainly targeted for clients when updating or fetching any custom attribute for a give user.
In order to resolve all the attributes including the root attributes, a new `getRawAttributes` method was added so that the resulting map also includes the root attributes. However,
this method is not available from the representation payload and it is targeted to be used by the server when managing user profiles.
= `https-client-auth` is a build time option
Option `https-client-auth` had been treated as a run time option, however this is not supported by Quarkus. The option needs to be handled at build time instead.
= Changes to Freemarker templates to allow rendering pages based on the user profile configuration set to a realm
In this release, the following templates were updated to make it possible to dynamically render attributes based
on the user profile configuration set to a realm:
* `login-update-profile.ftl`
* `register.ftl`
* `update-email.ftl`
These templates are responsible for rendering the update profile (when the `Update Profile` required action is enabled to a user),
the registration, and the update email (when the `UPDATE_EMAIL` feature is enabled) pages, respectively.
If you use a custom theme to change these templates, they will function as expect because only the content is updated.
However, we recommend you to take a look at how to configure a link:{adminguide_link}#user-profile[{declarative user profile}] and possibly avoid
changing the built-in templates by using all the capabilities provided by this feature.
Also, the templates used by the `declarative-user-profile` feature to render the pages for the same flows are longer necessary and removed in this release:
* `update-user-profile.ftl`
* `register-user-profile.ftl`
If you were using the `declarative-user-profile` feature in previously releases with customizations to the above templates,
update the `login-update-profile.ftl` and `register.ftl` accordingly.
= The update profile page when logging in for the first time through a broker now have its own Freemarker templates
In this release, the server will render the update profile page when the user is authenticating through a broker for the
first time using the `idp-review-user-profile.ftl` template.
In previous releases, the template used to update the profile during the first broker login flow was the `login-update-profile.ftl`, the same used
to update profile when users are authenticating to a realm.
By using separate templates for each flow, a more clear distinction exist as to which flow a template is actually used rather than sharing a same template,
and potentially introduce unexpected changes and behavior that should only affect pages for a specific flow.
If you have customizations to the `login-update-profile.ftl` template to customize how users update their profiles when authenticating through a broker, make sure to move your changes
to the new template.
= Infinispan metrics use labels for cache manager and cache names
When enabling metrics for {project_name}'s embedded caches, the metrics now use labels for the cache manager and the cache names.
.Old metric example without labels
.New metric example with labels
To revert the change for an installation, use a custom Infinispan XML configuration and change the configuration as follows:
<metrics names-as-tags="false" />