== Linking an identity provider to an organization
An identity provider can be linked to an organization from the *Identity providers* tab. If identity providers already exist, you see a list of them and options to search, edit, or unlink from the organization.
Once linked to an organization, the identity provider can be managed just like any other in a realm by accessing the *Identity Providers* section in the menu. However, the options herein described are only available when managing the identity provider in the scope of an organization. The only exception is the
*Hide on login page* option that is present here for convenience.
== Editing a linked identity provider
You can edit any of the organization-related settings of a linked identity provider at any time.
. In the menu, click *Organizations* and go to the *Identity providers* tab.
. Locate the *identity provider* in the list.
You can use the search option for this step.
. Click the action button (three dots) at the end of the line.
== Unlinking an identity provider from an organization
When an identity provider is unlinked from an organization, it remains available as a realm-level provider that is no longer ssociated with an organization. To delete the unlinked provider, use the *Identity Providers* section in the menu.
. In the menu, click *Organizations* and go to the *Identity providers* tab.
. Locate the *identity provider* in the list.
You can use the search capabilities for this step.
. Click the action button (three dots) at the end of the line.