This is a very powerful extension, which allows you to deploy your own REST endpoints to the {project_name} server. It enables all kinds of extensions, for example
the possibility to trigger functionality on the {project_name} server, which is not available through the default set of built-in {project_name} REST endpoints.
To add a custom REST endpoint, you need to implement the `RealmResourceProviderFactory` and `RealmResourceProvider` interfaces. `RealmResourceProvider` has one important method:
implement the interface `org.keycloak.provider.Spi` and define the ID of your SPI and the `ProviderFactory` and `Provider` classes. That looks like this:
The next step is to create the interfaces `ExampleServiceProviderFactory`, which extends from `ProviderFactory` and `ExampleService`, which extends from `Provider`.
The `ExampleService` will usually contain the business methods you need for your use case. Note that the `ExampleServiceProviderFactory` instance
is always scoped per application, however `ExampleService` is scoped per-request (or more accurately per `KeycloakSession` lifecycle).
allows you to return a list of your custom JPA entities and provide the location and id of the Liquibase changelog. An example implementation can look like this:
// This is used to return the location of the Liquibase changelog file.
// You can return null if you don't want Liquibase to create and update the DB schema.
public String getChangelogLocation() {
return "META-INF/example-changelog.xml";
// Helper method, which will be used internally by Liquibase.
public String getFactoryId() {
return "sample";
In the example above, we added a single JPA entity represented by class `Company`. In the code of your REST endpoint, you can then use something like
this to retrieve `EntityManager` and call DB operations on it.
EntityManager em = session.getProvider(JpaConnectionProvider.class).getEntityManager();
Company myCompany = em.find(Company.class, "123");
The methods `getChangelogLocation` and `getFactoryId` are important to support automatic updating of your entities by Liquibase.[Liquibase]
is a framework for updating the database schema, which {project_name} internally uses to create the DB schema and update the DB schema among versions. You may need to use
is always done at the server startup, so to trigger a DB update of your schema, you just need to add the new changeset to your Liquibase changelog file (in the example above
it's the file `META-INF/example-changelog.xml` which must be packed in same JAR as the JPA entities and `ExampleJpaEntityProvider`) and then restart server.
The DB schema will be automatically updated at startup.
For more details, take a look at the example distribution at example `providers/domain-extension`, which shows the `ExampleJpaEntityProvider` and `example-changelog.xml` described above.
NOTE: Don't forget to always backup your database before doing any changes in the Liquibase changelog and triggering a DB update.