* **customer-app-js** A pure HTML/Javascript application that does remote login using OAuth2 browser redirects with the auth server
* **customer-app-cli** A pure CLI application that does remote login using OAuth2 browser redirects with the auth server
* **product-app** A WAR application that does remote login using OAuth2 browser redirects with the auth server
* **admin-access-app** A WAR application that does remote REST login to admin console to obtain a list of realm roles from Admin REST API
* **angular-product-app** An Angular JS pure HTML5/Javascript application.
* **database-service** JAX-RS services authenticated by bearer tokens only. The customer and product app invoke on it to get data
* **third-party** Simple WAR that obtain a bearer token using OAuth2 using browser redirects to the auth-server.
* **third-party-cdi** Simple CDI/JSF WAR that obtain a bearer token using OAuth2 using browser redirects to the auth-server.
The UI of each of these applications is very crude and exists just to show our OAuth2 implementation in action.
_This demo is meant to run on the same server instance as the Keycloak Server!_
Step 1: Make sure you've set up the Keycloak Server
The Keycloak Appliance Distribution comes with a preconfigured Keycloak server (based on Wildfly). You can use it out of
the box to run these demos. So, if you're using this, you can head to Step 2.
Alternatively, you can install the Keycloak Server onto any EAP 6.x, or Wildfly 8.x server, but there is
a few steps you must follow. You need to obtain latest keycloak-war-dist-all.zip. This distro is used to install Keycloak onto an existing JBoss installation.
This installs the server using a WAR file.
$ cd ${jboss.as7.home}/standalone
$ cp -r ${keycloak-war-dist-all}/deployments .
To be able to run the demos you also need to install the Keycloak client adapter. For Wildfly:
If you are already logged in, you will not be asked for a username and password, but you will be redirected to
an oauth grant page. This page asks you if you want to grant certain permissions to the third-part app.
Step 7: Try the CLI Example
To try the CLI example run the following commands:
$ cd customer-app-cli
$ mvn exec:java
This will open a shell that lets you specify a few different commands. For example type 'login' and press enter to login. Pressing enter with a blank line will display the available commands.
The CLI example has two alternative methods for login. When a browser is available the CLI opens the login form in a browser, and will automatically retrieve the return code by starting a
temporary web server on a free port. If a browser is not available the URL to login is displayed on the CLI. The user can copy this URL to another computer that has a browser available. The code
is displayed to the user after login and the user has to copy this code back to the application.
Step 8: Admin REST API
Keycloak has a Admin REST API. This example shows an application making a remove direct login to Keycloak to obtain a token
then using that token to access the Admin REST API.
Client authentication is done with OAuth2 Client Credentials Grant in out-of-bound request (Not Keycloak login screen displayed) .
The example also shows different methods of client authentication. There is ProductSAClientSecretServlet using traditional authentication with clientId and client_secret,
but there is also ProductSAClientSignedJWTServlet using client authentication with JWT signed by client private key.
Step 11: Offline Access Example
An example for retrieve offline token, which is then saved to the database and can be used by application anytime later. Offline token
is valid even if user is already logged out from SSO. Server restart also won't invalidate offline token. Offline token can be revoked by the user in