* **customer-app** A WAR applications that does remote login using OAUTH2 browser redirects with the auth server
* **product-app** A WAR applications that does remote login using OAUTH2 browser redirects with the auth server
* **database-service** JAX-RS services authenticated by bearer tokens only. The customer and product app invoke on it
to get data
* **third-party** Simple WAR that obtain a bearer token using OAuth2 using browser redirects to the auth-server.
The UI of each of these applications is very crude and exists just to show our OAuth2 implementation in action.
Step 1: Make sure you've upgraded Resteasy
The first thing you is upgrade Resteasy to 3.0.2 within JBoss as described [here](http://docs.jboss.org/resteasy/docs/3.0.2.Final/userguide/html/Installation_Configuration.html#upgrading-as7)
Step 2: Boot JBoss
Boot JBoss in 'standalone' mode.
Step 3: Build and deploy
next you must build and deploy
1. cd as7-eap-demo
2. mvn clean install
3. mvn jboss-as:deploy
Step 4: Login and Observe Apps
Try going to the customer app and viewing customer data: