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2016-06-03 23:49:26 +00:00
== Securing a Servlet Application
This guide will show you how to:
* Create a realm with the necessary configuration to enable fine-grained authorization to a servlet application
* Create a resource server and the resources that must be protected
* Create permissions, authorization policies and how to apply them to your protected resources
* Configure the {{}} Authorization Enforcer Filter to your servlet application
The application we are using in this guide is one of the examples provided by the {{}} Demo Distribution. You can find all the source code
under *examples/authz/servlet-authz/*.
Before going further, make sure you followed all the instructions in the link:../getting-started/getting-started.html[Getting Started] guide.
=== About the Servlet Application
The application we are about to create is a very simple. In a nutshell, it implements the following security requirements:
* An _Administration Area_ that only administrators can access
* An _User Premium Area_ that only users with a premium plan can access
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* A dynamic menu that is generated depending on the permissions granted an user
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image:../../images/servlet-authz-app-structure.png[alt="Servlet Authz Application Structure"]
=== Creating the Servlet Authz Realm
For this guide, we are going to create a *servlet-authz* realm. Just import the following JSON file to create the new realm:
"realm": "servlet-authz",
"enabled": true,
"privateKey": "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",
"publicKey": "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCrVrCuTtArbgaZzL1hvh0xtL5mc7o0NqPVnYXkLvgcwiC3BjLGw1tGEGoJaXDuSaRllobm53JBhjx33UNv+5z/UMG4kytBWxheNVKnL6GgqlNabMaFfPLPCF8kAgKnsi79NMo+n6KnSY8YeUmec/p2vjO2NjsSAVcWEQMVhJ31LwIDAQAB",
"requiredCredentials": [
"users": [
"username": "alice",
"enabled": true,
"credentials": [
"type": "password",
"value": "alice"
"realmRoles": [
"clientRoles": {
"servlet-authz-app": [
"username": "jdoe",
"enabled": true,
"credentials": [
"type": "password",
"value": "jdoe"
"realmRoles": [
"clientRoles": {
"servlet-authz-app": [
"username": "admin",
"enabled": true,
"credentials": [
"type": "password",
"value": "admin"
"realmRoles": [
"clientRoles": {
"realm-management": [
"servlet-authz-app": [
"username": "service-account-servlet-authz-app",
"enabled": true,
"serviceAccountClientId": "servlet-authz-app",
"realmRoles": [
"roles": {
"realm": [
"name": "user",
"description": "User privileges"
"name": "admin",
"description": "Administrator privileges"
"name": "user_premium",
"description": "User Premium privileges"
"name": "uma_protection",
"description": "Allows access to the Protection API"
"clients": [
"clientId": "servlet-authz-app",
"enabled": true,
"publicClient": false,
"baseUrl": "/servlet-authz-app",
"adminUrl": "/servlet-authz-app",
"bearerOnly": false,
"serviceAccountsEnabled": true,
"redirectUris": [
"secret": "secret"
=== Creating a Resource Server and Protecting Resources
Now that we have the *servlet-authz* realm properly configured, we need to enable the *servlet-authz-app* as a resource server. For that, click on the *Authorization* in the left menu bar.
image:../../images/gs-keycloak-authz-page.png[alt="Keycloak Authorization Page"]
To create a resource server you can click on the *Create* button.
image:../../images/gs-keycloak-authz-create-rs-page.png[alt="Create Resource Server"]
From that page you can create a resource server by manually filling that form or you can just import a JSON file with the configuration you want. For this guide, we'll just import a JSON file as follows:
"clientId": "servlet-authz-app",
"allowRemoteResourceManagement": true,
"allowEntitlements": true,
"policyEnforcementMode": "ENFORCING",
"resources": [
"name": "Admin Resource",
"uri": "/protected/admin/*",
"type": "http://servlet-authz/protected/admin",
"scopes": [
"name": "urn:servlet-authz:protected:admin:access"
"name": "Protected Resource",
"uri": "/*",
"type": "http://servlet-authz/protected/resource",
"scopes": [
"name": "urn:servlet-authz:protected:resource:access"
"name": "Premium Resource",
"uri": "/protected/premium/*",
"type": "urn:servlet-authz:protected:resource",
"scopes": [
"name": "urn:servlet-authz:protected:premium:access"
"name": "Main Page",
"type": "urn:servlet-authz:protected:resource",
"scopes": [
"name": "urn:servlet-authz:page:main:actionForAdmin"
"name": "urn:servlet-authz:page:main:actionForUser"
"name": "urn:servlet-authz:page:main:actionForPremiumUser"
"policies": [
"name": "Any Admin Policy",
"description": "Defines that adminsitrators can do something",
"type": "role",
"config": {
"roles": "[\"admin\"]"
"name": "Any User Policy",
"description": "Defines that any user can do something",
"type": "role",
"config": {
"roles": "[\"user\"]"
"name": "Only Premium User Policy",
"description": "Defines that only premium users can do something",
"type": "role",
"logic": "POSITIVE",
"config": {
"roles": "[\"user_premium\"]"
"name": "All Users Policy",
"description": "Defines that all users can do something",
"type": "aggregate",
"decisionStrategy": "AFFIRMATIVE",
"config": {
"applyPolicies": "[\"Any User Policy\",\"Any Admin Policy\",\"Only Premium User Policy\"]"
"name": "Premium Resource Permission",
"description": "A policy that defines access to premium resources",
"type": "resource",
"decisionStrategy": "UNANIMOUS",
"config": {
"resources": "[\"Premium Resource\"]",
"applyPolicies": "[\"Only Premium User Policy\"]"
"name": "Administrative Resource Permission",
"description": "A policy that defines access to administrative resources",
"type": "resource",
"decisionStrategy": "UNANIMOUS",
"config": {
"resources": "[\"Admin Resource\"]",
"applyPolicies": "[\"Any Admin Policy\"]"
"name": "Protected Resource Permission",
"description": "A policy that defines access to any protected resource",
"type": "resource",
"decisionStrategy": "AFFIRMATIVE",
"config": {
"resources": "[\"Protected Resource\"]",
"applyPolicies": "[\"All Users Policy\"]"
"name": "Action 1 on Main Page Resource Permission",
"description": "A policy that defines access to action 1 on the main page",
"type": "scope",
"decisionStrategy": "AFFIRMATIVE",
"config": {
"scopes": "[\"urn:servlet-authz:page:main:actionForAdmin\"]",
"applyPolicies": "[\"Any Admin Policy\"]"
"name": "Action 2 on Main Page Resource Permission",
"description": "A policy that defines access to action 2 on the main page",
"type": "scope",
"decisionStrategy": "AFFIRMATIVE",
"config": {
"scopes": "[\"urn:servlet-authz:page:main:actionForUser\"]",
"applyPolicies": "[\"Any User Policy\"]"
"name": "Action 3 on Main Page Resource Permission",
"description": "A policy that defines access to action 3 on the main page",
"type": "scope",
"decisionStrategy": "AFFIRMATIVE",
"config": {
"scopes": "[\"urn:servlet-authz:page:main:actionForPremiumUser\"]",
"applyPolicies": "[\"Only Premium User Policy\"]"
All this configuration can also be done using the {{}} Administration Console. We are using the import tool just for demonstration purposes
=== A Quick Overview of the Permissions and Policies
The resource server configuration tells a lot about what we are really protecting. It is basically describing the security requirements we have discussed earlier.
Fist of all, we define four resources:
2016-06-05 22:17:31 +00:00
* *Admin Resource*
* *Protected Resource*
* *Premium Resource*
* *Main Page*
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As the name implies, each of these resources are related with the requirements we previously discussed, representing the different areas or group of resources we want to protect.
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As you may notice, each of these resources (except Main Page) defines an *uri* property. This property represents the path we want to protect and maps directly, or indirectly by using a pattern,
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to the resources served by the application.
Let's take the _Protected Resource_ as an example:
"name": "Protected Resource",
"uri": "/*",
"type": "http://servlet-authz/protected/resource",
"scopes": [
"name": "urn:servlet-authz:protected:resource:access"
This resource represents all resources in the application, as you can see from the pattern used in the *uri* property. It also defines a single scope/action to indicate that users, if granted, can access this resource.
Now, let's see what are the permissions and authorization policies configured to this resource:
"name": "Protected Resource Permission",
"description": "A policy that defines access to any protected resource",
"type": "resource",
"decisionStrategy": "AFFIRMATIVE",
"config": {
"resources": "[\"Protected Resource\"]",
"applyPolicies": "[\"All Users Policy\"]"
The definition above is a permission that links the _Protected Resource_ with the policies we want to apply. In this case, we are applying a single _All Users Policy_.
Policies define the conditions to be meet in order to access something. In this case, the _All Users Policy_ is composed of two other policies, a special policy type called link:../policy/aggregated-policy.html[Aggregated Policies].
"name": "All Users Policy",
"description": "Defines that all users can do something",
"type": "aggregate",
"decisionStrategy": "AFFIRMATIVE",
"config": {
"applyPolicies": "[\"Any User Policy\",\"Any Admin Policy\",\"Only Premium User Policy\"]"
{{}} provides a few built-in policy types (and their respective policy providers) implementing different access control mechanisms (RBAC, GBAC, Rule-based, Time-based, etc) that you can use to build your own policies and permissions.
Aggregated policies are very useful in order to group related policies together and make policy management less painful.
=== Configuring the Keycloak Enforcement Filter
2016-06-05 22:17:31 +00:00
Now that we have all the configuration for our resource server in place, we can configure the authorization enforcement filter to actually protect resources.
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Just like any other Servlet Filter, you just need to include the following configuration in your web application descriptor (WEB-INF/web.xml):
<filter-name>Keycloak Authorization Enforcer</filter-name>
<filter-name>Keycloak Authorization Enforcer</filter-name>
The *org.keycloak.authorization.policy.enforcer.servlet.KeycloakAdapterEnforcementFilter* is shipped with the {{}} OIDC Adapters distribution. In order to make it available to
your application at runtime, you must create a *META-INF/jboss-deployment-structure.xml* at the application root directory. If you are using maven, this file can be placed under *src/main/webapp/META-INF/jboss-deployment-structure.xml*:
<module name="org.keycloak.keycloak-authz-servlet-enforcer" services="import"/>
<module name="org.jboss.resteasy.resteasy-jackson2-provider" services="import"/>
<module name="org.jboss.resteasy.resteasy-jackson-provider"/>
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For last, you need to create a *META-INF/keycloak-authz.json* and put it in your application's classpath. If you are using Maven, this file goes inside *src/main/resources*:
2016-06-03 23:49:26 +00:00
"client": {
"configurationUrl": "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/servlet-authz/authz/uma_configuration",
"clientId": "servlet-authz-app",
"clientSecret": "secret"
"enforcer": {}
=== Running and Using the Application
2016-06-05 22:17:31 +00:00
All the source code for this application is located at *${KEYCLOAK_DEMO_SERVER_DIR}/examples/authz/servlet-authz/*.
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There you can execute the following command to _deploy_ the application to the running server:
mvn clean package wildfly:deploy
That should be enough to get the application properly packaged and deployed to a _running_ {{}} server.
If the application was properly deployed, you can try to access it at http://localhost:8080/auth[http://localhost:8080/servlet-authz-app] and use the following credentials to login into the application:
* username: alice / password: alice (regular user)
* username: jdoe / password: jdoe (premium user)
* username: admin / password: admin (administrator)
To _undeploy_ the application, please execute the following command:
mvn wildfly:undeploy